- Time -

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- Warnings: lots of swearing sorry + flufffffff + tiny bit of sadness + straight up cuteness +hope to god thats it + *21st century highschool*

*Bucky's POV*
I was awoken by the sound of "Barnes!" Being screamed very loudly from my bedroom door way. With out even opening my eyes I knew who it was.

It was my best friend. My best friend who I might possibly have a crush on and who has the beautiful smile in the world and the most gorgeous (y/e/c) eyes and the mo...

"James I swear to shit. Dont make me slap you." Her name was (y/n) and I have fallen in love with her. "Alright, jesus, im up. Pass me my phone will you?" I say as I legitimately roll out of bed and grab my clothes, heading to the shower.

Seconds later a hard metal object hit me in my shoulder. "Was that necessary?" She just smirked and flopped on my bed in her uniform, waiting for me to hurry the fuck up and get ready.


"Would you look at that. We're late." (Y/n) says dryly. "Oh be quiet im nearly done." And with that we were walking out of the house, yelling my mum goodbye and made our way towards the bus stop.

"Wait a second. Hold the fuck up. Where is the idiot?" She said stopping me. "Steve had a meeting with his mum I think. Dunno but he aint coming to school." "OOOOOOOOOH ok" she finished with a giggle and we continued walking.

God I loved her laugh. (Y/n) said she hated it, like she hated most things about herself. That was her one flaw. Her self doubt had consumed her and she was struggling to keep a hold on reality. Her laugh was rare these days and I treasured the moments when she would laugh or smile.

We continued walking to the bus stop and nearly missed the bus. As we got on, I took my bag off ready to sit next to the most stunning girl in history. I sat down and turned to ask (y/n) a question.

"Hey do you know wha..." I was cut off by her lips suddenly on mine and I was quick to return the act. Once we broke apart and I opened my eyes she smiled and said "You have no idea how long
I have wanted to do that James Buchanan Barnes.". -

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