Chapter 1

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It's shaping up to be the weirdest day of Stiles's life, and it's all because of this damned mirror.

Okay, sure, maybe he had no business sniffing around a real warlock magic shop, but how was he supposed to know that touching a really cool, really texture-y mirror would transport him to a different dimension? And why the hell would you put something like that on display for just anyone (namely curious young college boys) to come and touch? Really, Stiles can't be blamed for this. The universe pretty much set it up.

So there Stiles was, minding his own business, and suddenly he's transported through (yes, right through the damn thing) mirror. Stiles has read a lot about how mirrors are supposed to reflect who a person really is, and that mirrors are used as portals to different dimensions, but fuck. Werewolves literally have nothing on this magic, transporting mirror.

Now, after that little show, Stiles is currently standing in front of the burnt-up Hale house, staring up at the monstrosity. It's seriously so huge, even huger than he remembers (and Stiles has a pretty good memory). He carefully approaches it, because yeah him and Derek are friends now and yeah he's part of the pack, but he doesn't know how the hell he got here and why here of all places.

Stiles takes tentative steps up the front porch, wincing as each one creaks. The door opens before he reaches the top, like it usually does because of Derek and his insanely creepy wolfie powers. "What are you doing here, Stiles?" Derek growls, and Stiles can't help but feel seventeen again.

"I dunno. I sort of just ended up here after you sent me to that stupid warlock's shop—"

"I did what?" Derek looks honestly confused, and his eyebrows are doing that scary arching thing that they stopped doing a few years back.

"You sent me to a warlock shop to get some supplies for dealing with the territorial issues of the pack." Stiles says slowly, confused as to why Derek is confused.

"I didn't send you anywhere! Your lessons are after school! And shouldn't you be at school right now? Why are you at my house?" Derek is insanely offensive, and as Stiles squints less, he sees that the Derek standing before him is definitely not hisDerek. This one looks about six years younger and meaner.

"Um, Derek? How do we know each other?"

"What kind of a question is that? You've been coming to me for weeks to learn control!"

Stiles can feel himself pale as he steps backwards down the steps. "C-control for what?"

Derek looks at him as if he's a complete idiot. "You got bit a few weeks ago, dumbass. You came to me begging for help? Remember?"

Stiles actually trips, feeling like he's going to throw up. "What?" He whispers, turning away.

"Stiles?" Derek asks, seeming a little concerned. A little.

"I-I'm fine." He stutters. "I just have go." He turns and sprints back to where the warlock shop was back in his world, except in this world it's not a warlock shop—it's a spell book store. Stiles quickly finds the mirror in a dark corner in the back and wastes no time lurching forward to touch it. Immediately he's spiraling and finds himself landing in a library, flat on his ass. What the fuck? Beacon Hills has one library other than the school's and it's really shitty. The one that he's in right now reads "Beacon Hills Public Library" on a banner hanging over the front desk, and it's crazy nice-looking. Sure, it's tiny, but it's really quaint and Stiles knows that if the Beacon Hills Library was actually this nice he would spend much more time in it.

He sighs, ready to run a hand through his hair and becoming surprised when he feels glasses on his face. They're big and brown and chunky and when he takes them off he can't see for shit.

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