Freshman Fifteens Entry: "Nightmare of Truth"

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Hello to whoever is reading this,

My short-story is, currently, entitled "Nightmare of Truth". I believe it fits under the genres of paranormal, mystery, and humor. My short story is about 3,000 words.


Fourteen-year-old Jani comes from a long line of people possessing, what she likes to call, 'powers'. Her mother and sister have the abilities to teleport and heal. Her uncle controls the weather, and all of her cousins, grandparents have their own specialties. Everyone in her family has manifested their powers by the age of fifteen.

Already a month before her fifteenth birthday, she still has not yet awoken with the capability to fly or to walk on water. While questioning her belonging to her bloodline, she has to deal with another, equally pressing problem. While speaking to her friends, why does she see them dying as she closes her eyes? Does it mean anything, or is it just her lack of sleep catching up with her?

First paragraph:

I recall, during our 'puberty talk', Mother predicted the future. "Acne spots on everyone's noses, growth spurts, and hair everywhere. But, you get something extra, a gift. We don't know who it's from, when you can use it, or even what it is. You already have it; it's in your bloodstream at this very moment. Hopefully it'll make up for all of the ugly stuff, but most likely you'll hate it. For now, we'll just brace ourselves." The gift came. My friends were cold on the cobblestone. Blood trickled down the streets and from my hands.

Short Biography:

Samantha Diwa is a fifteen year-old "Military-brat". Born in Kentucky she ended up in Georgia, North Carolina, California, and (her favorite) Belgium. She loves her sister's cat, pistachio Belgian chocolate, waffles, reading, and playing the viola. For a long time she has been coming up with plots she forgets to write down and stories that she leaves unfinished. While not giving up on her 'author dream', she is an International Baccalaureate student in Texas that often performs rain dances in her mind in hopes of a cool day of hail and snow.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2014 ⏰

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