New frens

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Gabe the dog was a lonely dog, He was a sad dog with no frens..

As then,  some shibas came by there way, as they look at the doggo tearing up.

"Hewwo fren!" Doggo bun said.

Gabe the dog Borked into him.

"Do you know what that bork means..?" The other shibe looked onto the others doggo.

Gabe the dog Borked again.



That means "Hello.. "
Doggo bun said.

"Want too be friends?"
The shibe said.

Gabe nodded

Doggo bun howled happily,

"Let's have so much fun!"
She said.

Gabe the dog got up.


He said.

They starter running down from the street.

The shibe howled..


Gabe the dog looked at his house.

Then he turned front.

He started running again.

They panted.

"Bork, let's  go too  my house."

Gabe said.

So, they turned back and followed gabe.

Gabe the dog sneezed, then he said..

"Bork bork, we're here."

Gabe said.

Doggo bun looked around.

The owner said,

"Excuse me Gabe, who are these people?"

Gabe: "Bork, New friends."

So, then the owner gave collars too doggo bun, she named doggo Bun.

And the shibe Tobias.

They ate dog food, and also played.

Tobias: "That was fun, he said happily, smiling."

Bun: "Yup!"

Then later, they started too sleep calmly.

The owner looked at the dogs, and turned the light off.

They slept very well.

The sun was coming up, slowly.

The owner woke up for the job.

S/he got breakfast, prepared her/himself.

Then s/he got away.

Later then, it was 8:00 AM.

Bun woke up, then she said..

"Wake up, slowpokes!"

She said loudly.

Tobias looked at her and growled..

"Don't talk too your cousin like that!.. "

He said.

Gabe was shocked.

"You're cousins!?"

He said.

"Yup.. "Bun said.

Now let's go..

The last of us ft. Gabe the dogWhere stories live. Discover now