Chapter 1: Job Interview

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Braelynn was sitting at her apartment she was enjoying a salad for lunch when her phone rang and she said "Hello."

"Hi is this Braelynn Asher?' a voice on the other end said 

"Um that's my maiden name. It's Roberts now. Can I ask who is calling?" she said 

"oh this is Mr James Rhodes I'm the superintendent for the Brooklyn schools. We recently had a English teacher position and cheer/dance coach position open up. Nick Fury suggested that I find someone that knows the school and I looked you up and checked to see if you were also a teacher. Would you like to come work at Brooklyn High in those two positions?" Rhodes said

"Um wow well let me think about it and talk to my husband then I will call you back with my answer." she said 

"Ok here let me give you the number to my office." Rhodes said. She writes down the number and said "Thank you for calling." 

Braelynn thought it over by herself and when her husband got home from work she ran the idea by him. "If you want to do it Braelynn it's fine it's your job not mine." he said to her

"Ok well thanks for the support." she said 

"I'm sorry I just I'm tired and I need to get some sleep before I have to get on a plane. I have a business trip for the next two weeks sorry babe I'm going to miss our anniversary." Josh her husband said 

"It's fine baby." she said. It really wasn't fine but she wasn't in the mood to fight about his constant traveling. That night when he left he didn't even bother to wake up Braelynn or kiss her goodbye. But she was awake she heard him leave and tears fell they were about to celebrate 3 years of marriage and it wasn't an easy marriage. 

That morning she called Mr Rhodes back and took the position he asked her if she could meet him as professional courtesy and do a interview so he doesn't have the school board on his ass for hiring before doing an interview. 

"Yeah I can.." she said

"Great can you come in say around 11. So we can meet with you as well as Mr Coulson and the counselor and the athletic directors." Rhodes said 

"Yes I can" she said 

She got dressed and finished her coffee and then headed to the school. She pulled in and took a deep breathe she was nervous the school had a lot of good memories and bad memories. She walked into the school and went to the front office. She said "Hi I'm Braelynn Roberts."

Mr Rhodes turned around and said "Mrs Roberts it's good to finally meet you this is the principal Phil Coulson and the counselor Maria Hill and of course you know Mr Fury." 

She hugged him and said "You look good old man."

He chuckled and said "You look grown does it feel to be back?"

"A little daunting." she said 

They took her down the English hallway where her classroom was going to be and she swallowed hard when she saw her old locker. They showed her around the school and nothing changed it was all still the same for her. She went by the trophy case and felt tears welling as she saw all the alumni stuff. 

She followed them into the conference room "It's good to see you again Braelynn" Maria said 

"It's good to see you Ms Hill." she said 

They went over everything for the English department and gave her class schedule so she could start to put together lesson plans. 

"Sorry I'm late I over slept." Bucky said as he came in. 

"Mrs Roberts this is our assistant athletic director James Barnes he's also our head football coach." Rhodes said 

Bucky was about to shake her hand when he looked at her "Brae.." he whispered. 

She swallowed hard and said "It's nice to see you James" with a small smile. 

Fury said "Um we just need to sign these papers Braelynn.." 

"Yeah sure.." she said 

Bucky saw her rings and swallowed hard as he fought tears. 

"Thank you Mrs Roberts and we will see you in a few weeks at Senior Open House since that is your homeroom class

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"Thank you Mrs Roberts and we will see you in a few weeks at Senior Open House since that is your homeroom class. You have all the As we try to match up last names with the teacher. But Natasha has the Rs so we went with your maiden name." Maria said

"That's fine." she said with a smile that brought Bucky to his knees. 

"Here are your classroom keys and your cheer office keys." Rhodes said

"Thanks so Fury is it still in the same spot or did Coach Cooper change it." she said 

"Still in the same spot Mrs Roberts." Fury said 

Each time Bucky heard her being called her married name  he felt like he was being punched in the gut. As it was a constant reminder of how she walked away without giving him a chance to explain that the rumor wasn't true.

"Okay who is my assistant coach Wanda or Natasha?' she said 

"Natasha.." Fury said 

"Okay..I'll need her number.." she said as she bit the inside of her lip. 

"You don't have her number?' Fury said confused as he sat his clipboard down and got his cellphone out.

"Um I didn't go to NYU with everyone else Fury..I took my cheer scholarship at um at UNC remember..we had that big college sign day for all the athletes." she said 

Bucky looked down as that day flashed into his head. 

*Flash back*

"Okay up next we have Braelynn Grace Asher cheerleader who will be .." Coach Cooper said 

"Um Coach Cooper I decided to go to UNC do you still have that one available.." she said in her ear.

"Yes I do." Coach Cooper said 

"She will be signing with UNC " Coach Cooper said as Braelynn and the UNC cheer coach sat beside her.

Bucky sat there and started to cry Sam said "man come on you should of know this was coming." 

"Smile for the camera" The newspaper said 

She looked up and smiled so big for the camera as she shook her college cheer coach's hand. 

After it was over she was at her locker "Braelynn.." Bucky said behind her.

She shut her locker "Braelynn..please let me explain what happened that night?' Bucky said as he followed and she ignored him. 

Bucky punched his locker door "God I hate her stubborn ass attitude." he said to himself. 

*Back to Present Day*

Bucky looked up as she walked out Fury looked at him "I'm sorry I should of warned you." Fury said

"You think.." he said as he walked and went the opposite direction of her. 

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