Is the feeling mutual?: part1

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Anakin's pov:

I sat in my and Ahsoka's dorm and starred at her bed. I haven't seen her the past few months. Sure we talked sometimes, but it wasn't the same. Normally she was always by my side and now I barely see her. At the moment she is in the outer rim with Master Unduli and her padawan Barriss Offee. I hoped she comes back soon, I missed her so much and I know I shouldn't. I shouldn't miss her so much. She is just my padawan, not more and she will never be more. Sometimes, no always, I felt more towards her than just Padawan and Master. I knew the bond between a Master and his Padawan is strong, but I felt more than just this. I kinda loved her. My communicator beeped and so I answered it. To my surprise it was Ahsoka who called me. "Hey Master.", she said with her smiling face. "Hey, Snips.", I replied and smiled as well. "I just wanted you to know we're back on our way to coruscant now. We will be here the next two days.", she told me and I felt happiness. "I'll wait for you.", I said knowing I didn't have another option anyway. "Okay, Skyguy, see you then.", she said and broke the connection. And so I was back alone in our dorm missing my padawan in a forbidden way. I decided to go to sleep as I noticed we had already 9pm. I changed in some comfy sweatpants and laid down in my bed. I tried falling asleep what shouldn't be difficult, but it was when all you can think about is seeing your padawan again. It filled me with excitement, but I also had to be careful around her. She shouldn't know what I felt towards her. She would ask the council to get a new master or she would tell the council about my feels and they would expell me.

I could finally fall asleep, but the only thing I dreamed about was Ahsoka. I really had to be careful with my feelings when she comes back or she will find out. I had to keep my mental barrier up, so she can't find out what I'm thinking about. She would never feel the same way I feel towards her. She loved being a Jedi, she would never break a rule. She lived the code and her big dream was to become a Jedi one day. She would never ever love me back. I should just forget my feelings, and just try to have a normal master-padawan-relationship. I woke up the next morning at 9. I was amazed at I looked at the clock and noticed this, because normally I wake up at 6, but I guess it was Ahsoka who held me in my sleep. I missed her even more when I thought about her. Anakin, no! Don't think about her! She's your padawan! I stood up and decided to eat something and so I was on my way to the mensa. I sat down on a table and ate breakfast, after I was done with this I decided I could go meditating. I'm normally not a big fan about meditating, but maybe it helps to get Ahsoka out of my head for just a few hours.

I took the elevator to one of the roof terraces. I walked to the rail and looked over coruscant. The sun shined down on the buildings, but I only starred at the horizon trying to make out the cruiser Ahsoka is on, even though I know they will come tomorrow. STOP! You can't think about her the whole time! I sat down with my back to the elevator and closed my eyes. I crossed my legs and put my hands on my knees. I started meditating and to get Ahsoka out of my head. I sat there for hours not noticing the sun was already setting. I starred at the horizon thinking about Ahsoka.

Ahsoka's pov:

I came back to Coruscant and was searching for my master. I've finally found him. He was on one of the terraces and I was walking towards him. I shivered in fear as I sat down next to him with a bit space between us. I had to tell him something, but I was afraid of his reaction. He didn't seem to notice me, so I tried to get his attention. "Master?", I asked him and he looked at me amazed. "Ahsoka, you're already back?", he asked happily, but confused. "Yes, we came back earlier than we thought.", I answered and he nodded. I starred at the horizon and he did too. We sat there for a moment until I started again "Master? I, I have to tell you something.", I said and he looked at me waiting for me to continue. "I, I am sorry. I've done something forbidden and I tried, I, I really tried to fight it, but it didn't work...and I understand it if you don't want to have me as your padawan any longer." Tears began rolling down my cheeks and he wrapped his arms around. I felt save in his arms, but the tears came harder and uncontrollably. He held me in his arms, one of his arms was wrapped around my body and the other on my head. His hand petted my lekku and I cried and cried and cried. "Shhhhhh", he tried to calm me down. "What's wrong, Ahsoka?", he asked me after I got my sobbing under control. "I am in love with someone.", I said quickly and looked to the ground. He was amazed and I could tell he was looking at me. "Who, Ahsoka?", he asked me and I just couldn't tell him, so I stayed quiet. "Ahsoka, who?", he asked a bit angrily. "You", I quickly said before he got more angry. He held me in his arms and didn't let me go. He kissed my head and I was amazed. "Thi..This was not how I thought you would react.", I said amazed and he nodded. "I know.", he replied and held me tighter.

"So you love me?", he asked me with an raised eyebrow. I looked at him and replied "I guess so." He looked at me still amazed, but I could tell he was happy. Why the hell was he happy?  His hand put my chin up, so I looked into his blue shiny eyes. He came closer to me and before I could do anything he kissed me. He...He really kissed me and I kissed back. It felt quiet amazing to have his lips on mine. We pulled apart and he looked into my eyes. "W..wait what?", I asked him confused and he smiled. He moved his head closer to mine again and whispered "I love you." before our lips met again.

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