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Aries and him stayed in the nurses room until dinner came. She made them eat in there and a teacher walk them to their rooms.

He didn't know how they ended up in Mr. Olle's room but he remembered Mr. Olle attacking Aries.

His eyes were red and looked to be like he was possessed. When they asked the people from the ambulance why they were red they said it were colored contacts he was wearing.

It didn't make sense.

The next day came quickly with a lot of banging, and "whispering" out side. Or yelling whisper.

Virgo groaned getting up changing quickly and brushing his hair.

He grabbed his backpack and slowly opened the door to see five freshmen boys standing outside.

All looked to be 11 rather then 14 and a couple of 13.

"What do you want?" He could heat that his voice cracked a little from the early morning.

His head hurt, and his eyes felt like they were burning whenever he closed his eyes, but it felt nice shut.

The tallest one puffed out his chest and flexed his muscles.

" Seniors ruined are fun day....we...we will get you back.....Dumbass." Virgo could see fear and relief when he finished his sentence.

"Well, nugget. Thanks for saying that, I must go and ruin another day of your fun. Now Move!!"

They split quickly like roaches. Which they were.

Virgo hates being a freshmen, he would help them if only they didn't try and act tough and get on his nerves. But no they try to pick fights.

When he got to the cafeteria he saw Taurus sit with Aquarius and Scorpio as well as Leo.

Aquarius was the first to see him. She didn't look pleased. He looked to Taurus to see her look sympathetic, but also very harsh. This was not good.

Leo was just sitting there typing away on her phone. While Scorpio was slurping her drink.

Virgo sighed feeling like weights got thrown on him.

"Virgo come here!" He turned around to see Gemini pointing to an empty seat next to Pisces and his sister. Libra sat quietly across from Gemini playing on his phone.

He sluggishly moves toward the seat and sat down getting slapped at by Capricorn.

"What was that for?"

Capricorn just rolled her eyes and continued eating.

"Don't look at her she don't matter..."

"Hey guys, did you see what they are serving!"

Cancer smiling face comes and sets his tray down to show all the food he got.

Gemini glared at him snapping her fingers and pointed down, he quickly abolished. "Sorry," Pisces shook his head, "it's fine..."

"Hello! I'm talking and it is really important I'm not saying it twice."

"Virgo we need to talk."

"Omg! I hate all of you!" Gemini crossed her arms and pouted flatting at Aries who had Sagittarius right beside him.

Virgo looked to the rest of the group. Pisces looked intrigued, while Libra look pissed. Capricorn wasn't caring she got use to the arguments they all had.

It was like her secret power to just ignore everyone's yelling. He wished he could do that.

"Yeah...sure..." he could hear that he was scared saying it, and it made him want to kick himself.

He walked away following Aries seeing Sagittarius was already trying to flirt with Capricorn, she smiled then talked then went on eating while looking at him talk.

Aries stoped at the exit door and looked around.

"What happened yesterday, is already omg being spread across the school. The principle said to make it false and say he didn't die nor did we fight him." He waited then continued, " don't say anything understand?"

Virgo nodded rubbing his arm nervously. "Was that it?" Aries groaned putting his head into his hands frustrated. 

"Yes. Fine. Whatever Virgo not a big deal. It is a big Fucking deal we killed a teacher on accident!" His voice became dangerous and predator like.

"I know. But I don't want to remember about it okay. I'm trying to get it out of my mind." Aries sighed nodding, "I understand."

"So if we can please let me go..." Aries nodded rubbing his head.

Virgo sighed in relief and walked back to the table to see Sagittarius sitting in his seat chatting with Capricorn.

"Okay you two split or go somewhere else and do that. It's to early."

Sagittarius smirked standing up holding out his hand for Capricorn.

He could see the blush form and her smiling. She took his hand and stood up, both walked away to the booth they normally sit at during lunch.

"Are they dating yet?" He looked to Pisces who was smiling, "yep."

Virgo looked to his sister and sighed. Well mother won't like this.

Once he got to his second class he went straight towards Taurus desk and sat next to her.

Taurus looked to him and gave him a friendly smile then looked back to the board.

It was quiet between them for a little till she spoke softly.

"Aquarius told me what happened. I'm mad at both of you. But I'm more worried if y'all are alright?" He could hear the slight southern accent to her words it was very rare her since they are up in Pensilvania.

"Where fine, I'm surprised you didn't smack me in the head," he tried to make it more lively but he know it didn't work on Taurus.

"I should, but I also need to try and make sure you don't do anything stupid like that again. Anyway let's get started on the warm up shall we?"

Virgo quickly wanted to tell her how he felt even though it probably not the best, but he wanted to.

"Hey Taurus can we talk in private after class ends?" He felt confident now which normally never happens.

He saw Cancer turn around giving him a thumbs up and a wink. With his normal smile.

Taurus face flattened then went back to her straight work face, "Virgo you know I don't like talking in private. It gets me....never mind. Anyway back to the warm up."

"Taurus. Please,"

Taurus snapped her head to look at him with a irritated smile and harsh eyes, "Virgo please. Let's get back to the warm up. Thank you."

She turned back to the front looking down to her piece of paper that was blank.

Virgo knee Taurus didn't want to talk anymore, unless it came to answers or questions but anything else was gone.

Cancer turned back around looking to Taurus. Then to him, Virgo could see him mouth "I'm sorry." He went into his bag and gave him and cookie smiling, " I made them in home ec."

Taurus looked up and started beggin Cancer for a cookie. "Please, I need chocolate in my life. Please Cancer."

Cancer being the nice guy he is sighed and gave her a cookie. He quickly shut the box and put it back.

He pointed to Taurus and said softly, "you didn't deserve a cookie."

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