● Chapter 2: Second Thoughts●

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Hi everyone. It's me again. I couldn't stop myself from writing another chapter (even if no one read this story lol) I'm sorry for the grammar (If someone could help me with this) but English is not my first language. But I hope you all enjoy this story 😀❤
This chapter would be mostly narrate by Saiki's POV.


Chapter 2: Second Thoughts

I have to become invisible in order to enter in her house. Now I only have to wait until she leaves the germanium necklace in the table and see what Aiura saw in her premonition. Writer told me that is better if I talk to her directly but that would be useless. First, I can't talk to her via my ESP so I'd have to use my real voice and that would be a problem cuz it would be one of the few times that I would move my mouth so it would be pretty strange if someone (by someone I mean Nendou) see us. And second, I can't tell her "OH (YJN) could you please take your necklace away? I need to see what kind of misfortune you're bringing me up". So, there's no option for me without using my ESP.

I think you're still wonder why am I doing this. Well, it all started that day, August 10th. A new student has been transfered again, I keep thinking how many transfer students this school can have on a year. Everyone in the class were exciting about it, wondering if the student would be a boy or a girl and if she or he's gonna be pretty or handsome. All that cliché things students have in mind. When the time finally arrived, teacher came walking with the student. I tried to use telepathy to do a quick analysis of her character...

"Seriously how many laxative pills do I have to take to go to the bathroom?!!"

That was something I didn't want it to hear, though it wasn't her thought. I tried one more time: cats,beer, tv shows, is Yumehara-san singing a song for Kaidou again?!. Nothing, I can't hear any different voice in the crowd of thoughts. Finally, they showed up. Next to Miss (I don't remember her name sorry XD) was she, the new girl. It wasn't someone who looks annoying at first sight but I can't tell it without hearing what she thinks. She introduces to the class and I can hear all kind of things, some goods and bad thoughts. She was searching for a free seat and then she stop her eyes on mine. No, I wasn't crushed by her. Geez! Stop shipping everyone, not yet. With my clairvoyance I tried to see what would be her next move. Nothing. X-RAY vision. Nothing, only her face.

Ok, that was enough to freak me out a little bit, it could be that this girl could turn into a Nendou 2?. Good grief! She's gonna be in front of me, hope she wouldn't be a pain as Nendou or even worse: a Teruhashi. She takes the free seat. The lesson started without any incidents.

Thought I can't read her mind she still is easy to read: It was clear for the faces she made while introducing that she was nervous, she didn't want to stand out more than she actually is by picking this place to seat, she's really trying not to screw up things by making herself stay calm and the most important thing:She's not head over heels for me in the moment she saw me. I don't know why girls keep falling for me, I'm just a regular boy. That's a relief. The last thing I want now is to have a popular foreign girl in front of me, just being surround by Kaidou and Nendou trying to bring the attention on them is enough.
I though it was all but I was wrong.....I knew that this girl would bring some kind of trouble if she was immune to my powers but I didn't care so much, as long as I keep far away from her everything's gonna be alright. Wrong again.

By the time lunch came up I was already out, a quick premonition of a fight came to my mind: Nendou and Aren already has made their appearance by asking her to join us in lunch but instead they ended up in a fight, Kaidou with them of course. Good grief. The time I step inside the classroom something hit my chest, it made me jump a little bit. It was (YJN), she's clumsy I guess, and definitely was trying to run away. Aren call me to help him.
Taking a quick glance of the situation I was ready to intervene but I was interrupted by Aiura taking (YJN)'s hand and greeting me.

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