The Vampire House

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A story of magic, friendship and romance and horror; a great story for anyone to read should they choose to.

Vampire house was the first Choice story I ever read and I found it quite captivating when I first read it.

To begin with I thought it was going to be a straight forward story without much of a catch to it but it had a very good storyline to follow.
There were points where you could select certain activities to end up with a RO, (Romance Option/s) and continue the story. Unfortunately if you don't have an RO you can't complete the full story.

All in all though, I've managed to get all the romances except for Damien who seems to be the most difficult RO to get with in the story.

The only part I found that didn't quite make sense was the part where the...mud monster, for lack of better words, always has a serious grudge against the main character which is never fully explained.

Something that I also like about the story is that it's in first person POV instead of the usual second person POV. It makes the story more readable and relatable in my opinion.

I just hope the story never gets deleted or anything because I still think its the first and best story I've ever read.

I can only give it a 9 out of ten though as I could never access the route with Damien.

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