Chapter Seventeen

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The Unexpected Book Two

"I'll be right back honey" Jada said kissing Jordan on the lips.

He nodd and she walked off to the bathroom to check on Jasmine, before she knocked she heard sobbing and she softly knocked.

"Jasmine its Jada can I come in?" She said outside the door.

Jasmine wiped her tears away and let Jada in. Even though she tried stuffing the tears in they still find their way down her cheeks.

"What happened between you and Lucas?" Jada asked handing her a piece of napkin.

"He's mad at me for... She pause blowing her nose. " He found out I'm still taking the birth control pills and he asked me not to because he want us to have another baby " she explained sobbing.

"Jasmine I'm sorry but if he want another why not give him" Jada asked her.

"Because I don't want another child Jada" she said sniffing.

"Why not? LJ must need a younger sibling by now" Jada said thoughtfully.

Jasmine wipe her tears and stared at Jada as if she's stupid or something.

"Are you taking his side?" She asked

"N--no I'm not taking any side I just don't  see the reason for you to not want another child, I'm sure you guys can manage and LJ is eight years old, he's getting older will be in college before you know it and your gonna need someone else that time" Jada told her.

"I have to go through nine months having bad feeling, eating like a pig and getting fat, why can't he just be happy with the one we had?" She complaint.

"Stop talking crazy Jasmine, look at I had two kids and I'm still looking  fine so if your worrying about you looks after no need to worry OK.... Babies are blessing so think about it and stop taking those pills, they have side effects you know?" She said convinceninly.

"Ok fine I'll think about it, I haven't take them in a week though and he's not talking to me " she said sadly.

"He just need time to cool off, later you know what to do to get his attention... He can't resist that" Jada said wiggling her brows.

"Ok then I hope he comes around... Thank you" Jasmine said hugging Jada.

"He will sweetheart.. He will" she whispered hugging her back.

Jasmine was feeling better After the talk she had with Jada, they both left the bathroom together. Jordan and Karen was busy talking and laughing and Jada didn't want to imposed while Mark and Lucas was drinking and talking. Jada sit beside Jasmine in the back talking about the fashion show to keep her mind busy.


After four hour and a couple minutes they finally landed in Los Angeles. A limo was parked up waiting on them to bring them to the hotel they Karen booked for them.

It was late when they arrived so everyone pair up and went to their room. Jordan was In the shower while Jada was in bed calling for room service. When she saw Jordan walked out of the bathroom with a white towel wrapped around his waist, she lost her appetite in food so she cut the call.

"Weren't you gonna call for room service?" Jordan asked drying his hair with a shorter towel.

"I was but you came along and I'm crave for something else" she said snaking her hands around his neck.

The Unexpected Book 2 (Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now