Chapter 7

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Haidi's p.o.v.

After the whole popcorn thingy, I forgave Izuku for not letting me have some. As for Katsu-nii... He promised not to kill Todoroki-san tomorrow.

To be honest, I don't really believe that Katsuki won't kill him.



He probably will.


"I'm home..."  Said a tired voice.

"Welcome back." I smiled.

"Have you eaten dinner, yet?" Dad asked.

"I haven't. I was waiting for you."

"If that's the case then, let's eat." He said

" 'Kay."

I prepared dinner and as we ate I asked him a question.

"Dad," I started.


"You know, you haven't really told me why did you adopted me. I'm just curious..."

"Haid-" I cut him off.

"Well, if you don't want to tell me. That's alright."

He sighed.

"I adopted you because I saw me in you." He said.

"What?" I looked at him.

"I was also abandoned and disowned by my parents because of my Quirk."

I looked at him in disbelief. There's no way right.

"When I saw you.  You looked like someone who already given up hope, just like me before. But someone took me in, change me, accepted me and made me feel hope again. She's the reason why I became a hero. But then, she died when fighting villains. That's why I decided to took you in. Because... I thought that if I didn't, you might choose a wrong path I was about to choose from before."

He looked away from me.

"Dad. Are you... Perhaps. Blushing?!" I said.

"After all I said, that's the only thing you're going to say to me?!" He yelled at me and pinched my cheeks. No... Not pinched. It's more like. Stretched.

"I want to change the topic," I said in muffled voice. "I don't like sad ones..."

He sighed and let go of my cheeks. I rubbed my cheeks.

Hurt... T-T

"You're really weird, Haidi." He said.

"You raised me to be like one."

"True. Oh yeah," He looked at me. "I bought some popcorn on my way here."


He nodded.

"POPCORN!!!" I yelled in excitement.

"You can have it after you finish dinner. I'll wash the dishes." He said.

"Wait. You? Wash dishes?" I asked.

He grew an irk mark on his forehead and karate chopped my head.


It hurts...😫

"Why must you do that, Dad?"

"You're acting like an idiot."

"Am not!"

"Yes you are. Don't deny it or I'll take the popcorn away."

"Yeah, yeah. Just don't take the popcorn away." I said.

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