The end. ~ 153

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So... This is the end. After 152 chapters. We need too say goodbye to Hailey, Cameron and everyone else. Thank you for reading, I hope u enjoyed, this was my first Instagram book so sorry if there were any parts that were a little bit weird. On the beginning I thought she would end up with Shawn but after a while I ended up with Cameron. And I know there wasn't really a good storyline or something but yeah it is what it is. I also know some of you wanted Shawn and some of you wanted Cameron and I didn't who too chose.. I hope u still liked the story even tho she didn't end up with the boy u wanted, im very sorry. Xx❤️

Soon I need to go back to school so wattpad is not really something That i have time for anymore. ): Maybe Some days i will write and update my books but yeah.


Lots of love to you guys for the votes and reading my book. ❤️❤️😘

Goodbye, xoxo ✈️❤️

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