The Devil Himself (1)

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Story info.: Jace knows he is gay but with his parents are Christian and believe that being attracted to same sex is wrong. Contemplating on if he should come out to his parents his mind starts to wander off.
Character Description-
Jace Withers: 5'6", blond hair, blue/green eyes, fair skin.
Lucifer: 6'11", black hair, red eyes, slightly tanned.

°Jace's POV°

I stared aimlessy at my ceiling. I hugged my pillow closer to my chest as I thought of how to tell my parents I'm gay. I sit up and let my eyes trail to my bag that was packed with clothes, food, water, and some money.

I lean against the wall and put my chin on the pillow as I let my eyes wander around my room. Old memories flood into my head and I smile sadly as I tried to imagine the look of my parents faces as I tell them I'm gay.

My parents are Christian and with how my grandparents raised them, they had learned to believe that loving the same sex is wrong and that we should burn in hell. I've read the bible before and I know it doesn't say that people are not allowed to love the same sex though some people think that is what is written in it.

(A/N: Sorry guys I personally never read the bible so I have no clue whats written on there)

I lightly shook my head as I thought what would happen and I could imagine the horrified look on my mother and the angry red face of my father. I could imagine him standing up with my mother clinging to his arm as he yells at my face.

"You are going to burn in hell!" I imagine him saying.

Hell... What's so wrong with it? I randomly thought. It can't be that bad plus if people over exaggerated on loving the same sex in the bible maybe hell is over exaggerated too.
And Lucifer, the 'king' of hell, he wasn't such a bad person but I wonder what he looks like...

I shook my head irratibly as I realized I was getting sidetrack. I slid down my wall and laid down so that I was looking at my ceiling again. I let out a small yawn as I closed my eyes and put the pillow over my face.

I laid like that for a few minutes and my body froze and tensed as I felt my bed suddenly dip on either side of me and I could feel the warmth of another body hovering over my body. Shaking, I slowly moved my pillow down and opened my eyes to see a pair of glowing pair of red eyes. I blinked rapidly and slowly covered my face again with my pillow. This can't be happening, this isn't happening, I thought as I press my pillow more into my face.

I jumped slightly is shock as I felt two warm hands gently but tightly grab both of my wrists and pulled them away from my pillow and pinned them over my head. Trembling I tried to yank my arms back down but their gripped tighten and I felt one hand move away but the other hand got my wrist before I could move it away so that they're pinning both my wrists with one hand.

My pillow suddenly started to move down my face and in panic I started to buck up and try to get my assailant off me so that my pillow could protect my face. My assailant pressed their lower half against mine and I started to squirm more but froze when I heard him groan softly and felt something hard begin to poke my stomach.

"Done yet?" He whispered suddenly into my ear and I felt my face blush.

Damn, he has a sexy voice, I thought to myself as my mini-me started to perk up. I felt a hard body go down on me and my pillow was suddenly gone from my face and I staring into the eyes of my assailant. I gulp as my eyes scan his face.

Deep red eyes, pitch black hair, strong jaw line, Greek nose, slightly full lips... yep I must be dreaming because no one this hot could exist.

"Like what you see?" He cocked an eyebrow at me and I realized that I had started to drool slightly.

I look away and nodded slightly at his question as I blush and try to wipe my drool away and then remembered that he has my hands pinned. His hand went to my chin and gripped it lightly as he moved my face so that I could look at him properly, I look at him and he gave me a sly grin and leaned down.

"Do you know who I am, Jace?" he whispered into my ear as I felt his hips sink into mine.

I lightly shook my head, "N-No." I stuttered out as my mini-me started to get more excited.

He gave me a sly grin as his red eyes stared into mine with obvious lust. He leaned more down and nipped my earlobe and I shuddered in pleasure as the slight pain sent small shocks down my body.

I felt him smirk and he whispered huskily into my ear, "I'm the Devil."

My eyes widen slightly in shock and I momentarily went still but that didnt't last long as he grinded his hips into mine. My back arched as I felt the sweet friction he caused, by now my cock was fully hard and had started to drip slightly with precum.

I panted lightly as I buck my hips. He let go of my wrists and held down my hips as he tsked at me. His red eyes seemed to glow in the dark his eyes slowly raked my body, like he was undressing me in his mind.

I tried to move my hands but they still felt pinned to the bed so I didn't move them down. His hand slowly went up my body, leaving hot trails behind, until his thumb lightly grazed my nipple through my shirt. I let out a small whimper of pleasure as I closed my eyes.

He let out a low growl as he roughly pulled my shirt up and tied my hands to my bed post with it. I let out a shaky breath as I opened my eyes to see his looking at me like I was tasty treat. I whined and tugged at my hands that were tightly bond together.

He pressed his body against mine as he kissed my lips roughly. I blushed as closed my eyes and opened my mouth when I felt his tongue lick my lower lip. I let out a muffled moan as his tongue explored my mouth greedily.

His hands left hot trails behind as he touches my body through my clothes and I can't help but arch my body into his, pressing our bodies tightly together. His hands went to my hips and pressed them firmly into my mattress as he moved his mouth away from mine and started to lick, nip, and suck at my neck.

I let out small moans as his mouth found my sweet spot, I felt him grin and he abused that spot as I continue to helplessly underneath him.

My eyes shot open as I heard the loud thumping of my father's footsteps come up the stairs. I heard the devil on top of me let out a low growl as he sat up and snapped his fingers, my hands suddenly became unbound and he was gone.

"Jace," My father opened the door to my room, "when are yo-... Are you okay?" He questioned me as he gazed at my flushed face and disheveled clothes.

"Uh, yeah I'm good, so what did you need?" I asked as I straightened my clothes a bit.

"Your mother wants you to come down for dinner." He said as he went to go close the door again.

"Wait!" I yelled out, he stopped and looked at me questioningly.

"What do you need?"

"Um, I got to tell you and mom something after dinner okay?"

My father narrowed his eyes in suspicion and nodded as he firmly closed my door.

I let out a sigh of relief as I went to get off the bed.

"We will finish what I started later"~

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