The Introductions

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Y/N = your name

C/N = your in game name

Link Start

The GGO world loads all around me, The words SBC Glocken appear. I take a deep breath and say "I'm back."

I see a group of men and a girl walk pass and hear them talk about raiding a mob hunting group. I just stare at the girl, she just awestruck me because of the girl's blue short hair, eyes of the same colour and her amazing face and body. I came back to my senses when I hear them talk more about the raid. I only hear the location, The Deserted Ruins. I hurry to my room, grab my favourite sniper M82A1 and my Glock 18 as a secondary. I put on black boots, black pants, black combat long-sleeve shirt and my black hood. Oh, I can't forget my iconic black shemaghs that cover part of my face and neck. I told myself " I'm ready". I run out of my room and hire a buggy then I drive to the ruins, I was determined to make it there before they did.

I made it. looks like no-one is here good, now time to find a sniping position. Up there on top of the tower should do but its far from the road. Who cares I can make it, my longest shot will only be 1400 meters and I've shot further. I'm looking for the best wall. There's one, look easy enough to climb. One by one I slowly scale the wall, halfway I look down and slip. I slam my hand on the wall holding my grip tight. I scale the rest very carefully. I got to the top and facepalm. There where stairs. My goodness, I'm stupid why did I not see them. Anyway time to set up my bipod and pulled back my bolt, loading my first shot. Now I wait.

Time Skip

Target spotted, I see a group of men that looked very similar to the men from before but I wonder where the girl is. Target acquired, I lined up my shot with my first target. I kept my finger off the trigger so my bullet line didn't show plus I don't need it, I know how to shoot. I waited for them to attack the hunting group first so they would be distracted. Bang the sound of a sniper went off. I listened carefully I knew the gun must if been a Hecate II. Now I know where the girl was, she was a sniper too. I pull the trigger, headshoting my target then one of the hunting guys put out a minigun and starts spraying. This made it easier for me everyone would be standing still and shooting or hiding in cover. One after the other each one fell. I think they all died. Then a bullet zips past hitting the wall behind. Shit, I need to run.

Bullet hits all around you and then you see a glint. There she is. Hiding behind a wall I jump out and shot. The bullet broke the snipers scope. She looks for me but I disappeared. A tap on her shoulder she turns around. She tries to draw on me but I put my hand on her hand making impossible to draw. I say " hi" and "sorry"

She looked at you and ask " why are you saying sorry"

I don't reply. You let her free and put your hands up.

I say "I can't kill you"

She asks "why not"

I don't reply and drop a smoke bomb then you vanished.

Time Skip

In the Glocken I stand then I hear BoB registration close soon. I walk to the Administration  Office. I became wider, it was the girl from before but she had someone with her. She walks to me and says "hi again, we never introduce each other my name is Sinon"

I reply with "nice to meet you, the names C/N"

"Here's someone I just met, meet Kirito"

"Nice to meet you Kirito, My name is C/N"

We walk to the registration booth and we sign up.

"See ya later Sinon and Kirito"

Sinon walks up to me and gives a little peck on my cheek

Disconnect from GGO

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