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| Third Person-3 years later |

Paige and Chloe sat next to each other at the table, the seats on the outsides of them occupied by their boyfriends.

Yes, Chloe and Tyler came through, and had been dating ever since freshman year.

Paige immediately fell in love with a transfer student named Alex when he arrived a year ago, and they spent every second together.

The only time they didn't, Paige was with Chloe.

The seats across from the two girls were taken by Nia, whom Chloe had already befriended several years ago, and Kendall, Alex's twin sister.

"I can't believe this is our last year," said Paige with a mock-pouty face.

"Neither can I," Chloe confessed. "When I first got to this school I had a terrible time, and look how far all of us have gotten since then." She leaned over to plant a kiss on Tyler's cheek.

"What colleges are you guys looking into?" Nia broke in, changing the subject.

"I'm trying to get into Stanford," remarked Chloe. (Which she did, she got a master's degree in phycology.)

"U-Penn," Paige sighed, "but I doubt I'll get in." (She didn't, but she went to Penn State to become a preschool teacher.)

She decided on Penn State because her dad and mom both went there, and she wanted to make them proud and follow in their footsteps.

Speaking of her dad, ever since the day in the hospital, he never laid a finger on Paige or her siblings again.

He met a woman named Kerry at the grocery store while he was out to get more alcohol, and fell in love with her right on the spot.

He confessed about the abuse, and instead of running scared she helped him get over Paige's mother.

She helped them all actually, and now they were engaged.

You would think it would be hard to forgive a man that had hurt you so much, but he was a completely different person.

He apologized to Paige's family all the time, to which they told him he didn't need to, and said "I love you" every night as she went up to bed.

It's hard to not forgive a man who feels so bad about everything.

And it wasn't even all his fault.

As for Chloe, she was still with her adoptive family, and she honestly thought of them as her real family, because in the long run she never had one.

She never saw her dad again.

As soon as she started sophomore year, the bullying stopped, and it just so happened to be the year that Maddie transferred to a different state.


Her outlook on things really changed, considering now she had a best friend and an amazing boyfriend.

It took 3 years, but things finally started to look up for both the girls.

| Third Person-5 years later |

"No Tyler, you hang up first," Chloe giggled. They were still dating, and when asked how they made it so far they just shrugged and laughed at each other.

Chloe was sitting on her dorm bed, talking to Tyler even though she was trying to finish Calculus homework.

One of them finally hung up, and Chloe then called Paige, who was in a totally different state.

It was hard for them, really.

"Hey, what's up?" Chloe greeted on the phone, as Paige, on the other line just squealed.

"Alex is taking me out to dinner tonight!" Paige yelled, and Chloe just shushed her through the phone, knowing she was probably disturbing someone.

"So romantic," Chloe cooed, "where are you lovebirds going?"

"I honestly don't know, he told me to dress fancy, though."

"Have fun," she laughed, "but I really need to finish my homework. Bye, hope to see you soon!"

Paige waited as the line went silent before hanging up the phone.

She took her dress out of the small dorm closet, and stared at it in awe.

It was deep purple with small rhinestones forming a belt around the waist of the dress, and the bottom flowed and cascaded in fluffy waves.

And with that, she began to get ready for her date.

| Third Person-10 years later |

Tyler finally asked her.

They got married, and soon had a baby girl, named Clarissa.

The same happened with Paige.

Her and Alex were married, and had a baby boy, Noah.

They were what some people would call "High School Sweethearts", and it was true, both couples were still falling for each other to this day.

You know, it may have taken 10 years, 3 new best friends, a husband, and a child for both girls to realize that stereotypes don't define you, they aren't a limit or a boundary, they shouldn't stop you from defining yourself.

It doesn't matter if you're nerdy or popular, because in Paige and Chloe's cases, sometimes you're both.

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