Since school started (I SuRviVeD WeEk OnE) I've been creating more.
The school I go to is an academy (wowie I'm so smart- Actually I have a brother there so I kind of got in because of that.) and said academy is very art related, art being in the title and all-
So I'll certainly have a bunch of opportunities to try things I've never tired before, and to grow so much as an artist.
I personally, already feel like I've made a tad bit of progress. BeCaUsE I FiNalLy FiGurEd oUt HoW tO DrAw PrOfIlE HaIr. and it was so simple.... ( ̄ー ̄)
Anyways, I've created a few things!!! Uhm- Yeah. I'll stop being annoyingly extra and get on with it.
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I'm genuinely proud of this piece. I used a blending stump. And I usually draw really itty bitty, but this took up and entire page.
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This has sloppy line art because I don't know how to line art- BUT THATS WHY I SHALL WORK HARD! (I've been watching too much BNHA and Voltron SeAsOn SeVeN so I feel quite inspired~ But also disappointed. (looking at you Voltron))
I've also been working with watercolor which I haven't done in a while. I used two different methods?
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For now- I have a question. What should I draw next? Or rather, learn how to draw. I've pretty much only been drawing people. They are just so darn complicated and I strive to get better.
I'm talking about animals. A long, long time ago (4-5th grade, a time before I knew anime existed-) I only drew dragons. I didn't take it seriously. But yeah, I don't think they were that good- I could only draw them profile or from above-
Here's an example-
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Now to get to the point. I'll have some animals listed below. Comment which I should learn to draw- I've never done anything interactive so I don't know how this'll turn out- But let's give it a try.
Cats (Domestic)
Big Cats (maybe give specifics because they all have different body types.)
Other (Suggest something-)
Anywho, that's all. I'll stop rambling on about unnecessary stuff.