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"I don't know you ANYMORE ".
"Can we at least. E friends ?"
" after you flirted with me no fucking way "

God I can't believe this
I go find the girls I see Jennie panicking
" omomomomomomo what I do "
" hey it's okay we can just beat him up he tried flirting with me pffff I gave him it "
" Lisa let's find rosé " jisoo said
We all go find rosé but we see here with THEM
Suga's smirking 😏 great how can I like a devil like him

" come on we got this Jennie act all you know toughness up "
" that I can do Lisa " Jennie starts smiling
" how about me Lisa ?"
" jisoo be YOU silly 😜 "

I walk ahead I see rosé wow her and hobi suit ahhhh why can't I fall in love man

You will don't worry Lisa
What the fuck was that am I hearing voices tF
Yeah you are idiot hmmmm maybe you will know who it is kitten
TF you better explain this devil boy
I am one

Wait whatttttt

I have arrived at my destination
" hey guys "
" Lisa " rosé come to hug me aww I missed my chubby cheeks girl
" Jennie jisoo how are you " RM grins "
" not bad but I need some advice rosé jisoo and little kitten "
" Jennie don't call me that you dingface !!"
" well spill the beans then gem"
I see tae GOD he still looks cute ahh I miss him
How could you he cheated on you and you let him have anthor chance which fails cas I changed your mind kitten
All right suga you can read my thoughts how
Who do you think you are sneaking in my thoughts young boy
Man you mean
" MINNie stop it " everyone stares at me
" I didn't do anything "
No one else can hear us
But why meeeeee couldn't you have chosen someone else
I can't me and you are different we were sent here for a reason I don't know
Okay you are now speaking some fairy tale talk suga stop messing
You think I'm messing in our home land me and you were much more that besties but our life got changed a bit when we came here why do you think my eyes turn red your change too a nice baby pink when I get close
Shall we hang out on Saturday on the pier like old times so you can show me who really am cas I believe you a tiny weeny bit my back I always hurt s at night but in the morning it stops

Your growing angel wings you gonna be so pretty trust me
Do my parents know
No you see I have always wanted to tell you but I was afraid you wouldn't believe me cas it's hard to believe
So do you have wings
Yes dark devil wings look
The thing you don't understand
What don't I understand
That we are a thingy no one understands
If your so obsessed with is being a thing go away I don't like it ok

I need to get out of here I need air
" Lisa "
"What "
" your eyes ther pink ?"
"Shirt rosé I need to go see ya "

" noona"
I run away how dare he say we're special
" you ok noona "
Don't tell him
Why he is my real brother
Cas he Doesn't have what we have yet

Stop implying. Duck off
Are we still doing Saturday
I air him
" I like someone "
" finally "

We get interrupted
" tae is gay guys awwww" Jen comes shouting
" Ono that's so cute "
"Don't bully me "
You should tho
Suga shit up
You mean shut
Anyway I gotta go home
"I'm off home "
" wait Lisa I'll walk with you if that ok " Jin asked me
That's more than okay
Looks like I have been forgotten
A while later : were just waking and messing about I'm so happy
" well my home is here see you tomorrow "
I walk away but he calls my me " yes "
" you wanna meet on Friday?"
TF you like Jin hahhahhah
Shut up

"Yeah "
I walk away then it hits me shit sugaaaa
You forgot about me looks like you have to walk alone through it
Suga suga suga SUGA!!!!
Wow here I go

I go half way and I see two boys
They stop taking and I swear they one said
" look who we have here "

I start walking faster I keep my head focus on the ground that I don't see these men shittttt
" hiya princess "
" fuck off"
I try to run but I'm surrounded
😞 they start to touch me
"What do you think your doing " a deep sexy voice says omo thank god
I look up to see a boy with black spiked wings fighting until they dissolved into air
" hey kitten it's okay "
"Yoongi " I cry and hug him

Suga POV:
She called me yoongi and hugged me I picked her up
"Lets go "
She didn't say anything
" your cute in you real form"
She finally looked up at me
"Wait what "she tried to stand up
"Ah don't you dare....."
"Yoongi help what are you doing "
She gripped on harder I smiled
"Wipe that grin off your fac...."
she reaches up to touch my hair my eyelids around my lips 👄 her touch leaves my face tingling
"What happened your hair it's BLACK?"
Aish this girl
I grab her hair "and so your hair is pink too "
"Yah what happened "
"Your in your form baby "
We reached ground near school
She opens her phone and screams shitt I cover her mouth from Behind and idea pops in my head I hug her
"Shhhhhh "
I let go
" my face what's is the heart you have one to except its black with a pink tear like mine. But black ?"
Oh no I have to explain
"Well when we were born we have this mark " I go and touch her face her baby pink eyes stare at me " every one tear has a different colour to show who is your * gulp*"
"Why do you gulp is it bad "
"Nah  it shows soul.. "
I can't do it
" nevrwmins "
"Suga you ok "
I see her baby doll face I never notice this before 
Eh what you taking about
Nothing don't worry

I left here
I flew up to the clouds  
I just settled
I need to conctact my dad SATAN.

Suga what's wrong
Dad I can't  tell her
You like her
Shit I can't say a thing
Good cause I found you someone else she will join the school tomorrow that geek Lisa
How dare you call Lisa that
Well I don't care what your mark says  I don't think she pretty or good at lady house stuff
I don't care I don't like her looks I want to protect her
If you disobey I'll send people down you know what
Good luck

How could I trust him arghhhh
Suga ...
What happened dose he want to kill me
Hey hey it's okay
I understand what you were taking about

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