Arguing Again

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AN:This is my first ever fanfic, so please don't be harsh. It is a Jamilton office au.

      "Alexander!" Alex heard his best friend call out to him.

      "John! Why didn't you call me Alex like usual?" Alex asked John Laurens, his best friend and co-worker for the past 5 years.

       "I did. You were off in your own world again," John responded. Then he whispered, "No wonder things didn't work between you and Eliza. She is kinda high maintenance."

       Even though John was whispering, Alex heard the last part of his statement. "You know that is still sore for me, John!" Alex said upset. Alex started walking to his office once again, but John followed.

       Undeterred, John said, "I know Alex. I didn't mean for you to hear that, but I shouldn't have said it anyway. I'm sorry!"

        "Mhm," was Alex's only response as he walked in his office and closed the door.

        "Dammit!" John yelled as he started walking to his own office. He reached his office, sat down and put his head on the desk.

         "Babe?" John heard his boyfriend, James Madison, enter their shared office. "Two things. Number one, what's wrong?"

         "Iwasanidiot," came John's mumbled reply.

         "Oh," was James' genius response, "ok. Anyway, number two do you have any idea why Hamilton has Thomas locked out of their office?"

         John immediately jumped up and started running, while also screaming, "Shit!"

------Line Break------

       Thomas was getting fed up with Hamilton's antics, he had work to do dammit! "Hamilton if you don't open up this door this minute I-"

         "You'll do what Jefferson? Huh?!" Came Hamilton's response. Was that a hint of sadness in his voice? No, it couldn't be.

         "Alex!" Thomas turned around at the voice of his co-worker's  ex-girlfriend, Eliza Schuyler. What he saw surprised him very much. Eliza was running down the hallway carrying a two-year-old boy on her hip. Behind her was Thomas' best friend James and James' boyfriend John. Behind them was our boss, George Washington and his husband of four years, Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette. Standing in front, next to Eliza was a woman Thomas did not recognize, but she was very beautiful.

         "Eliza?" Came Alex's small reply through the door.

         "Yes, Alex. Please come out," Eliza answered.

         "Is Maria there?" Alex asked.

         "Yes, but I ha-" Eliza started.

         "No! I don't want to see you or her right now!" Alex yelled.

         "Please, Alex! I have Pip!" Eliza said.

         "Daddy!" The two-year-old on Eliza's hip suddenly screamed. Thomas flinched at the scream, and became even more confused when Hamilton unlocked the door.

         "Can I hold him, please?" Hamilton asked hopefully, confusing Thomas even more.

         Of course, Alex. Philip is your son," Eliza answered. Oh boy, could Thomas blackmail Hamilton now!

         Hamilton walked out of the office, and Eliza set the boy, Philip, on the ground. Philip proceeded to walk...right over to Thomas. Thomas picked up the son of his archenemy.

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