Chapter 8

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"Sorry ladies and gentlemen, but I have to cut the night short." Groans fill the room as people start making their way out to their cars. Holly and I look to find Nate in the crowd.

"You ladies ready?" We both jump to see Nate standing behind us with Wyatt next to him and Wyatt still trying to dazzle me with his smile. We nod and I latch my hand around Holly's arm and tighten my grip. She looks at me and looks at Wyatt before nodding and I switch places with her so she's standing next to him and I'm standing next to Nate, which wasn't a good idea on my part, but all things considered, it's better than being creeped out by Wyatt. Nate leads us out to his truck and it's a four-door chevy truck, really nice setup and I open the door to the back passenger, but Nate puts me behind his seat. 

What is wrong with Nate?

Holly and I share a look, hers being most likely 'wait and see'. We all load up and Nate starts the truck, sneaking me a glance in the rearview mirror, his bright green eyes pinning me to my place.

"So Olivia, tell me about yourself," Wyatt asks and I look to Holly and she nods.

"Well I've lived in Lewiston for about a month and Montana weather is different from Texas weather." I start, trying to give as little details about myself to him since I'm not sure what he's capable of.

"Wyatt, leave the lady alone," Nate says, his words sending fear into my stomach, but not for my safety, but rather him being able to deliver any threat. 

"Man, what is it with you and Olivia? You barely just met the lady. Give her a chance to decide for herself." Holly taps me on the shoulder and then leads towards my ear to whisper.

"He's definitely keeping his eye on you for some reason. Just know that he's always looking out for everyone, but he's definitely caring about you for sure." She whispers and I look down and then whisper in her ear again.

"I'm not used to this. The only father figure was the ranch hand from back home, Carter and he tried to teach me the ways that men are supposed to be gentlemanly."

"Sunday, why don't you come down to the ranch and just hang out." I glare at her and she sighs. "I'll make sure to keep the horses away from you until you get comfortable again with them." 

"I'd like that," I say and she smiles, satisfied with my answer and we both just listen to the radio when I recognize a song that came on. "Is this George Strait's True?" I ask and Wyatt turns around to face me with a shocked look on his face.

"You know George Strait?" 

"Yeah. Who doesn't?" I say and catch Nate in the mirror and it looks like he has a smile on his face that somewhat reached his eyes as he turns up the radio.

"A girl after my own heart," Nate mumbles, and I can't ignore the butterflies in my stomach.

"True like the sun coming up each morning. Bright as the light in a baby's smile. Sure as a mountain river winding. Right as the rain falling from the sky. Girl, my love for you is true." I sing and once the song is over, Wyatt, Holly, and Nate, in the rearview mirror, all stare at me.

"Jesus Olivia. You have the voice of an angel." Wyatt says and a grumbling sound which came from Nate shuts up Wyatt,  "Oh give it up Nate." Wyatt says just as we pull up to Holly's house and park. I still had a mile left to go so I open up the door to find it already opened and Nate was standing there with a smirk on his face.

"Well?" He says and I smile, stepping out of the truck and lose my balance and bracing for the ground, but it never comes. I look up to see Nate's arms around me, staring into my eyes, and I back away suddenly and check to make sure I have my keys, which I don't have.

"Crap," I say, walking where I can get a handle on the situation. 

"Olivia? What's wrong?" Holly asks, coming up to me as Wyatt and Nate stand off to the side.

"I forgot my keys in my room," I say, hanging my head down and Holly looks to Nate who nods then she turns back to me. 

"Come on, you can stay with us for the night. We don't bite, plus I could use another female friend in the house since it's just Nate and I." 

"Wouldn't my aunt and uncle worry about me?" She laughs.

"This is Lewiston. The worst thing to happen is someone getting upset over their livestock." She says, grabbing my hand, "Plus, Nate's pretty handy with a gun so he wouldn't let anything happen to us." 

"Sure he doesn't mind?" I ask and she nods, leading me to where the guys are standing.

"So Olivia locked herself out of her house so could she stay with us for the night?" Nate nods in agreement and goes inside the house, we follow. It was a cute house, rustic and similar to a farmhouse, except not as big. There was shiplap on the walls, a stone fireplace in the living room, but a kitchen with both modern and rustic style mixed in.

"Lovely place," I say as Wyatt goes to get water from the fridge. 

"Want anything?" He asks and I nod, moving up to one of the barstools by the breakfast bar. He gets a glass of water and fills it up from the fridge before setting it down in front of me. 

"Thanks," I say, taking a drink of it. He nods and leans up against the counter. "So what's your story?" I ask since he asked me the same question.

"Born and raised in Lewiston. My parents own a cattle ranch five miles up the road past the white fence." He says, taking a drink. I get a weird pang in my heart and I set my water glass down gently with my shaking hand.


There's no way.

I pass out and fall onto the floor.

"Olivia? Crap. Holly!" 

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