Chapter 4

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Lily's POV
Anger was still burning inside of me as I was sitting inside our little tree-oval house that I built for us, waiting for my mom to wake up. Katherine was sitting beside me sleeping. She didn't have any cuts or bruises on her so I didn't have to heal her.

I lean against the tree branch and close my eyes until I snap them open again, after I hear a rustle from where my mom is laying. I quickly crawl torwards her and sit next to her. She opens her eyes and looks around. I can see the relief in her eyes as she sees that we are safe and next to her.

"Lily? Lily are you okay? How about your sister?" She questions.

"Mom I'm fine and so is Katherine. How about you? Are you okay?" I respond.

"Yes I'm fine, although my head does hurt." She groans as she gets up.
"Do we know who did this?"

"Im afraid not." I respond gravely.

My mom just sighs. I feel like sighing and giving up with her. But I know that I can't. I have to find whoever did this. I will get my revenge.

"So what're we going to do now?" I ask.

"I guess we will just go to one of our houses in the city. And from then on we will just figure out our next move, and who's targeting us." She responds.
It's exactly what I thought, and I honestly can't wait to get to a house already so that I can start searching for whoever did this. I have to wake up Katherine first.

I move to Katherine and shake her body in attempt to wake her up. She doesn't even move. I love my sister, but she is impossible to wake up. I shake her once again, but this time, I'm surprised by her reaction.

"HANDS OFF MY FOOD SATAN!!!" She screams as she slaps the air.

I just back away looking absolutely horrifed and then I look at my mom, who has doubled over from laughter. I look back at my sister and start laughing so hard. Tears start to form at my eyes as I hold my sides. I need to calm down and wake her up. I take a deep breathe in and out and try again.

I move next to her and instead of shaking her up, I erupt into another fit of laughter which sends spit flying onto my sisters face, which then causes her to wake up. Seriously. That was it. I just had to spit into her face? I'm so doing that next time.

She's definitely awake, and the look of annoyance and disgust on her face just sends me into another fit of laughter.

After a few seconds, I stop laughing and look back at her. She looks like she could kill me. Although we both know she can't.

"Come on you idiot, we have to go find some place to stay." I inform her.

She doesn't say anything, she just gets up while I move my hands to untangle the branches and be able to get us out.
I inhale the fresh air as I stretch my limbs. I see my family getting up and doing the same as me. We finish stretching and we trek along, getting close to civilization, since our house was by the beach.

We near the streets as we see a taxi, which immediately pulls over to us as soon as it sees us. Being royalty has its perk.

"My queen. What can I do for you?" The cab driver asks directing the question to our mom.

"Please take us to Summer Rd." She responds. I recognize that street name. It was a cozy house that we were to live in if things ever get rough and we had to relocate. I never thought we had to put it into use.

Turns out I was wrong.

"Right away Ma'am" The cab driver says. We all pile in as he drives off to our new home.
2 days later 

I am currently sitting in the town's library, looking at books on vampires. I know for sure our attacker was a vampire due to the fact that he was able to disappear. All vampires has that power. I look around to find a book that is all about vampires. Literally. The history, weaknesses, Royal families, etc.

I flip the book open and start reading.

Vampires have always been around from the beginning ages of the world. They have always lived among us, but we have not always realized it. It was only a century of them living among us when humans realized about vampires. That's when the Red War broke out. This war was war between the humans and vampires. The went to war for years simply because the humans wanted to exterminate the vampire race. They wanted a vampire genocide. In the end, neither sides won. So, both sides decided to come to peace by writing a treaty. Ever since the treaty, peace has been restored for centuries and it still lasts. Although humans do still fear vampires, everything else is fine."

I flip to the part about vampire myths.
The most famous myths are the ones that garlic would make a vampire react and leave you alone, that they cant be in sunlight, about crosses repelling them, or maybe you know the one about them sleeping upside down, and the one that if you wanted to kill them, you would do it with a wooden stake, and that they are immortal. All of those are wrong. They are not immortal but they can live longer than a typical human can. And you can kill them with anything and when they do die, they reduce to a pile of ash. Although some of them have beautiful deaths meaning that when they die, their body's turn into crystal pieces, almost like diamonds. Almost. Not quite. But almost."

This isn't giving me what I needed, so I flip to the pages about Royal family. Maybe then I will find some answers.

There is really only one important Royal vampire family which is the Cornell's. Ryan Cornell is the king of this royalty. His family is unknown to the public and nobody knows them. He's incredibly powerful. He is known to be ruthless, abusive, and twisted. He kills people for fun, tortues them, and even attacks random buildings solely to watch them burn and watch the people be frantic. This is his idea of 'fun'. He is way more twisted then what I can describe, or put into words. He treats women and people below him like trash. He is one of those vampires that would be reduced to a pile of ash when killed. There are two types of vampires. The ones that are downright horrible, and the ones that are good. It's that simple. Most of the population of vampires are the horrible ones but there is a small percentage that are good. Back to Cornell I that he doesnt do things himself. He gets other people to do his doing. His whereabouts are also unknown"

I stop right there. I know what happened now. I know what I need to know. I slam the book shut and stand up.

Anger burns inside of me as my face is undoubtedly showing my anger. I can feel the anger. It ignites a fire inside of me. I bunch my fists up at my side, in dire need to punch something.

Ryan Cornell

I'm coming for you.


A/N: Hello my lovlies I hope that you are all okay and I'm sorry for not updating I didn't know what to write. How many days until I should I update?
I hope that you all liked this chapter even though it was a filler chapter.
I jhope(yes I'm an army)that you have an amazing day.

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