A loving Family and a frightened General

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A/N: alright so this was an idea I came up with on the fly, keep in mind I have another story I'm doing and have school sooooooo yeah don't expect an update every week maybe every two to three weeks. Anyway let's get to the story.

We start our tale on a planet called Vale in a galaxy far far away. We close in on a view of a wooden cabin in the middle of a forest and three kids playing out front a young 5 year old named Ruby, a blonde 7 year old girl named Yang and an 8 year old (hair/color) haired male named (Your/Name). They were all playing tag and at one moment everything seemed fine but then the three get tired and lay down in the grass laughing and panting. You and your sisters had been playing for the last hour and were waiting for your parents to call you back in for dinner. Your parents were Tai and Summer, but your real mother was Raven Branwan, but she behaves more like an aunt while summer is the mother. Your uncle Qrow and Raven are almost always on missions but that doesn't mean they don't want to spend time with you on occasion, although you take more of your personality from Summer seeing as she raised you, the one thing you did take from Raven was her love of the single bladed sword, it's your weapon of choice. She had been training you with a play sword ever since you were able to walk. When you make your own sword you want it to be unique and different but for now you had to rely on a play sword. But when you do make that sword you will become a huntsmen, you wanted to help the innocent and defeat evil all the while looking good in a well tailored suit, a real James Bond type.....

(If only this were that kind of story)

But anyway back to the children laying on the ground, everything was going alright... that was until they heard a menacing growl. You and your sisters get up quickly and put your backs to the house looking around for the source of the noise. They spot a pair of red eyes in the bushes looking back at them menacingly and with bloodlust. You get in front of both of your sisters protectively and push them behind you.

YN: (whispering) I think it's a Beowulf, stay behind me and don't make any sudden movements. You say trying to calm down your shaking sisters.

Yang: what are we gonna do (Y/N) ? She says sounding very frightened.

YN: we're going to slowly back away into the house and get mom and dad out here. You say reassuring them but the Beowulf walks out of the bush and looks at you three growling. But this wasn't a normal Beowulf, it was an alpha one, in other words this was bigger, meaner and way more dangerous then a normal one.
(Panicking whisper) back up !!

You all slowly back up a few steps but whenever you three take a step or two the Beowulf growls menacingly and takes slow steps toward you. You keep on backing up until the Beowulf gets impatient and lunges at the three of you, thinking fast you push your sisters out of the way but the Beowulf gets ahold of you by the right arm. He sinks his teeth into your arm and starts throwing you around, you scream in pain and your sisters scream horrified. This was enough to make all four of the adults come out and look horrified at seeing their son/nephew almost getting mauled to death by a Beowulf, it takes them less then a second to jump to action with summer using her semblance to quickly stab the Beowulf with the built in knife in her sniper rifle. The rest quickly follow, Raven stabs the wolf with her dust sword, Qrow turns his into scythe mode and stabs the alpha multiple times and lastly Tai takes his brass knuckle gauntlets and starts punching the thing. (I totally made up Tai and Summer's weapons so please go with it) Tai, Raven and Qrow continued to beat the crap out of the wolf while summer came over and took her cape off wrapping it around your severed arm....

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