Dinner time (S)

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After Nym scared me with her talk about this 'Sulfur' stuff or whatever, we still decide to try to roast the creature over the fire we made with its blood and see if it kills me.

I honestly never thought I'd miss the stuff they were feeding us on the ship, but here I am, longing for the clattering noise of this stupid robot they sent in to feed us, because they couldn't care enough to send an actual person.

Though, to be honest, I guess whoever would've drawn the short straw of bringing us the food would likely have had a really hard time, so I guess I can actually see why they sent a machine instead of a person.

Huh...never thought that would happen either.
I guess that's what Mom meant, when she said that 'a lot of things you may not understand now will make sense once you're older'.

Nym insisted on draining all the blood from the critter prior to putting it over the fire...not sure why, but I'll just trust her on that matter.

She also told me all those funky words I've never heard before.
Apparently what I thought to be the ceiling of this place is called 'sky' and the reason why it's blue is because the light of this bright spot, called 'sun', is getting broken into something called spectral colors by something called 'atmosphere' and we can only see the 'blue' part of it...I'm not sure I really followed her on all of that, but I didn't tell her, seeing how she seemed to have so much fun 'educating me'.

After she's done talking, a delicious smell wafts through the air, as the skinned and dried critter slowly roasts over the open fire over a makeshift stand I built from a few of the leftover sticks.

It almost collapses a few times and I really have to build something more sturdy if this is to become my main source of food...assuming I survive eating that thing, that is.

She also tells me, that we'll need to find water by tomorrow and not just for washing off all the grime, dirt and blood.
I do admit that I am thirsty, but when she talked about finding water, she seemed to be rather worried.

Considering how I almost got torn apart by those furry bastards earlier, I'm leaning towards trusting her judgment regarding this planet even more now.

Nym pokes the meat with a larger stick and a few leftover drips of blood from the critter fall into the fire and disappear with a sizzling noise.
She shakes her head and continues turning it.

I don't know how much time passes, but eventually I actually have to keep myself from drooling, because the smell is making my mouth water.

After she pokes it again and the meat doesn't lose any more blood, she nods satisfied and asks me to heave it down and rest it over there.

When I ask her 'why', she tells me something about 'residual heat' and a bunch more words I can't understand, but that's fine for me.

After I put down the roasted critter, she asks me to put another one over the fire.

"...why? Shouldn't we keep some for later?"
"Oh, we are. However meat spoils easily if not preserved properly...let's see...we need to smoke the meat to remove the moisture and..."

She goes prattling on and on about some procedure and I cannot help but wonder how she can even remember all that stuff...though she really needs to work on her communication skills.

A few hours later, we have eaten and while I cannot say anything about her rather sparse meal of a bunch of tubers, but I've never have never eaten anything even just remotely as good as that critter in my life, so if it kills me, I'll at the very least have eaten something really good.

As the thing Nym calls 'moon' is high in this 'sky' thing, she tells me to take a rest, while she keeps watch over the fire and for unwelcome guests.
I ask her, when she's going to sleep, but she just gives me this wry smile I can't really make heads or tails of.

I guess she must have her reasons...maybe she intends to murder me in my sleep.
Though I guess she won't do that, considering how she saved me earlier and seems awfully concerned about my well being.

I guess she's just worried about being all alone on this damn rock.
Not that I can blame her.

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