part 3 (lot of questions)

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Unikitty: No, that's stupid

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Unikitty: No, that's stupid.

Puppycorn: not as stupid as your face.

Unikitty: what did you just say to me?

Puppycorn: Stupid face

Unikitty: At least I don't have a lack luster work effort.

Dr.Fox: Burn
M.S: I don't know about this...

Record keeper: I don't think this is a good idea.

Egalor: how is Brock even allowing this.

M.S: He's overwriting again and didn't notice. Quick one of you get Unikitty in position.

Unikitty: Why did you drag me out side?

Record keeper: Just stay here I'll brb

Unikitty: Uhhhhhgggg whhhhyyy

*after record keeper left*

M.S: here goes nothing... *shouting from top of castle* Hey princess!!!

Unikitty: What are you doing up there??
I swear Hawkadile is useless...

M.S: Opps *falls off*

Unikitty: HOLY CARP *flys up and saves him*

M.S: OMG thank you Unikitty!!!

Unikitty: *drops him 3ft from the ground* ArE YOu InSAiN YoU IDioT

M.S: Owch... But thx for saving me!!!

Unikitty: Now you owe me...


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Dr.Fox: How pointless can this get?

Hawkodile: What is it?

Dr.Fox: *blush* we have to hug...

Hawkodile: Uhhhggg why??

Me: Because of you don't You'll be stuck here forever

Hawkodile: Fiiiiiinnnneee


Dr Fox: *gets crushed by heart*


Hawkodile: crud...
Richard: Oh of course not to be honest Its far to dull for me. But I like other things, such as-- *lists stuff off for like an hour with sparkle mater everywhere*

Puppycorn: Make... It.... Stop...

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