Chapter 19 | The Todoroki Family

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My gaze met his, knowing what he wants to do. He wants to knock me out, like he did all those years ago. I heavily glared at him, my mouth moving.

I told him to do it


And he did.


Izuku's POV

Sobbing is all I could hear, just pure, genuine sobs. They sounded so depressed, as if their dog had just died. Their verbal cries seemed to echo throughout this cold room, bouncing off the walls and into my ears.

I rolled onto my back, rubbing my heavy eyelids. I sat up once my eyes felt better, opening my eyes to see darkness. I looked around the room, my eyes adjusting to the lack of lighting. The walls are made of pure concrete, the same goes for the floor. My bed is just a dirty mattress, laying on the cold, concrete floor. My gaze fell on a corner of the room, where the sobbing is coming from.

It's Sho. His legs are up to his chest, his head resting on his knees. I can see his body bob and shake, his sobs growing louder and louder with each passing second. I felt my heart break, seeing him this broken isn't something I wanted to wake up to.

"S-Sho ... are ... are you ok?" I felt my heart skip a beat, my body refused to move. His head shot up, his puffy eyes are covered with his salty tears. His lips are trembling, his body doing the same. He opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out. Instead, he tumbled into my arms, loud sobs escaping his lips.

I wrapped my arms around his trembling body, my concern overpowering my fear. I let my hand slip into his hair, gently playing with his fluffy locks. I whispered soft words in his ear, sweet nothings steadily flowing in his ear.

We sat here for what seemed hours on end, Sho's loud sobs slowly dying down; Until he stopped crying completely. Now we're sitting together, holding each other in silence.

Sho ended up letting go of me, sitting down next to me instead with me. He pulled his legs up to his chest, balling up again. He laid his head on his knees, hiding his face from me. I let my eyes wander over his body, finding some details I missed at first.

His arms are bandaged, the white cloth seemed to glow in the darkness. His body's crudely covered, his clothing singed and poor in quality. His feet are bare, revealing his soot covered feet. He looks like death itself, and I wanna know why.

So I asked.

"Sho?" I broke the silence, my small voice echoing throughout this concrete room. He hummed in response, using his bandaged hand to scratch his floofs.

I know his father was the one who knocked us out, I know his father is Endeavor, and I know Sho hates his family. I want to connect the dots. But I know it's a soft spot for him. But, my curiosity got the best of me and I ended up asking for answers. 

"What ... What happened while I was asleep? I-I know it's none of my business what y-your family r-relations are ... but ... I wanna know. I-I wanna help." I let my gaze lock onto my bare feet, my thumbs fighting each other. I saw him move slightly, causing my gaze to flicker towards him. He's lifted his head up, his cold gaze meeting mine. His scar on his face had intensified ten fold, the skin that was once pink is now red.

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