Chapter 6

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He pulls out a knife and...


~Ariana's Pov~

Damien pulled out a knife, he was about to stab Cole but i butted in and he stabbed me by my side, it hurt so bad that i fainted. But the last thing i heard was "Don't leave me Ariana!" and it was Cole's voice.

~Cole's Pov~

Ariana stepped in and she was the one stabbed, No! this can't happen not Ariana, it should be me! 

I see Damien's eyes grow wide, "Ariana!" he shouts, "This is all your fault!", "I didn't mean to, she cutted in!" he shouts with no anger just panicking real damn hard. "You shouldn't havee fucking pulled out that knife then!" i shout, he remains silent feeling ashamed of himself.

I carry Ariana out of the abandoned house and put her inside the car, i drive to the hospital quickly. I parked the car and carried her to the emergency room. 

They take her inside the emergency room and they just let me wait outside, i call the boys and along with Kaley, i used Ariana's phone, after three minutes the boys came here quickly, followed by a crying Kaley.

"What happened dude?" Dalton asked, "Damien stabbed her, well it was supposed to be me in there but she saved me" i say feeling hopeless.

"What!" kaley screams, "Kaley calm down, Will calms Kaley down. A doctor came out, "Who's with her?" i stand up, "Well what's your name sir?" , "Cole Pendery". "Mr. Pendery, Mrs. Pendery is alright but, she will wake up in a few hours, a good thing was the cut isn't too deep so it didn't do anything that would make her condition bad" i breath a out, good thing she's ok, "Can we see her?" he nods, i get inside the room and there she lies, with about two to three wires connected to her.

i sit down by the edge of her bed and held her free hand, "Ariana, please don't leave me, i'm sorry for leaving you. I'm sorry for being selfish and not believing you, i'm sorry for being a dumbass, i'm sorry for everything. i love you Ariana and i mean it, your my world, so please don't leave me."

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