Hi I am a simple le funny comic sans dog. Formally called the Doge. I live on the oldest depths of the gay ass site: 4chan and am lone.
Woof Woof. But the epic questé happen when I get called le funny dēd maymay.My gay ass hubby: Pepe the fucking gay ass sad frog, called me up and said, "you fuckin' gae cunt fag."
I said fucc U bitCh and choked the cunt.
But then I came across an epic le mėmę orgy.
21 fat cunt. Jeff jeff cheg cheg gay gay fucc cunt.
Meme Orgy
HumorA meme orgy happens in the most unusual place. An old meme finds love when he becomes apart of the 9gag war against 4chans dumbass hentai ni🅱️🅱️a's.