When we were young

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The last time I saw him we were young. I remember, we were outside playing in the puddles, a storm had just passed and we were taking advantage of the moment. We were both full of glee. His name? Austin. He was my Austin, not anyone else's but mine and that's how I liked it. Until everything changed one evening. Everything changed and I haven't seen him since. We were both young, around the age of 7. We both knew we were going to make a difference to the world. Not alone but together. I wanted to be a passionate ballet dancer and he wanted to be a country guitarist. We would work together in perfect harmony. Sadly we couldn't have our happy ending.

It was the year 2007, February 23rd on a Friday, the time was 3:08pm. We were walking home from school together. Like we always do. His mum, Sarah was with us, following behind; with her Starbucks latte in one hand and her phone in the other. She was talking to someone. At first she was happy but then she went quiet. Water filled up her eyes and started to drip down her face. This was a emotion I never liked to see I turned around and started to chat to Austin. I could hear her sobering behind me. I chose to ignore it. Whatever it was it was probably none of my business. When we arrived at Austin's house I forgot about the phone call. His house is nice. A family home filled with many photos and memories of their family growing up together. I always loved Austin's family. They were so nice and friendly. They were always like a second family to me. His dad, Victor, owns a big company called Creators Inc. He comes home with about $10,000 every fortnight. His mum Sarah is a famous chef in the restaurant called Belle nourriture. Then there is his older sister Amy. Amy is absolutely the best. She has grown to be a sister to me. She is a true artist and spends her spare time painting in the attic with the perfect view of the Sky Tower. "Annabelle" I hear my voice being called from down stairs. I slowly walk down the staircase to discover my mum and Sarah standing waiting for me. Sarah still has tears in her eyes and from her facial expression I can tell that she is heartbroken. I hear footsteps coming up behind me. It's Austin, he looks nervous. "Annabelle, Austin. Umm I need to tell you something" Sarah says through her tears. Whatever she's thinking I think it will affect me.

"You see Annabelle" my mum takes over as Sarah steps back and starts to cry waiting for my mum to share the news. "Austin isn't going to be here next week" Sarah starts to weep she is hurt. "What do you mean mum, Is he sick?" I reply with a worried face. I was nervous for Austin. "Annabelle, Austin is moving away" mum bursts out and Sarah goes up in tears. So many thoughts were going through my head. Will I see Austin again? Where is he going? Sarah steps forward seeing that I'm hurt. She opens her arms wide and I run and give her the biggest hug. I release from the hug and turn around. I see Austin. Poor poor Austin who looks like he's about to burst. Tears drip down his face. I can tell he's trying to hold it in. Sarah walks up to Austin. "I'm sorry" Sarah opens her arms to Austin. Austin looks at her then looks at me. "No" Austin runs up the stairs in tears. His mum left in complete shock. My mum stands away not wanting to get involved with the situation. I look at Sarah, on her knees crying with her hands over her face. I run up the stairs.
Clearly Austin didn't know anything more than I did.
I grab the doorknob of Austin's room and turn it. Slowly the door creaks open. There I see Austin on his bed, facing the wall and not moving one inch. Possesed. Alone. I need to be there for him. I want him to be my friend, He'll always be my friend, I need to be his friend. I walk up behind him. He's still there sitting still not moving an inch. Tick, tock, Tick, tock. The sound of the clock ticking is the only thing I hear. I'm standing here, Awkward, Not knowing what to do. How to help.

"Annabelle" the hurt in his voice, I can't handle it.
"Yes" I reply.
"Promise me whatever happens, you'll always be there for me" he looks up, still looking at the wall. "Austin, I would never leave you" I'm starting to hurt as much as he does. It's funny us standing here. We've never been separated before. I hear the door creak open I turn around to reveal my mum. She's signalling me to come to her. Why would I do that? Why would I leave Austin alone sitting here. I can't stand him, this might be the last time I see Austin for all I know.

I walk out. Big mistake.

The last time I saw himWhere stories live. Discover now