Wish you never left

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The year now? 2021, February 23rd on a Friday, the time's 3:25pm. I haven't seen him for 21 years now. I am here at my childhood house, helping my mum and dad move. I can't focus when there are so many memories here. I flop onto my bed. Here I am a grown woman lying on my childhood bed waiting for hit 3:47. That was what time it was when I left him. I left him all alone on his bed. I knew he wanted me there. He was calling me, trying to connect with me so I'd understand. I left him though.

I sit up and look out my window. A beautiful family home sits across the road. Austin's old house. I close my eyes and open them. Outside I see a happy mother and father with their little son. A little girl walking down the footpath saying hello to the family. All of them having the biggest smiles on their faces. I look closely at the little girl and see myself. I shake my head. They're gone. Instead there is a construction team setting up to break Austin's old home. A tear falls down my face. At that moment all I can think about is the tear dripping down my cheek onto my jumper. One single droplet that alone contains all of my emotions, my confusion, my sadness.

"Hun" my mum calls from downstairs, "Zoe is here".

Zoe, how can I describe Zoe as simply as possible. Gold digger. That's all she's here for. She knows that ever since my dad took over Creators Inc he has become one of the richest men in NZ. That's what most of my friends are like. I will never be able to find a friend like Austin again.

"Coming mum" I call, I know Zoe might be a gold digger but she is the closest thing I have to a real friend at the moment.

"Hey girlllllll, Wanna go shopping" Zoe says with great enthusiasm. Shopping. That's all we ever do. We don't go and hang out just the two of us. It's always shopping.
"Um I don't know Zoe, the weather is kinda looking a bit bad" I'm not lying when I say that. Scattered powder-puff clouds crowded over head.
"I think I might go to my place and get in my pjs and relax, ya know." I need some time to think and clear my head.
"Okay then, maybe tomorrow?" she really wants to go shopping
"Sure" I'm to lazy to say no right now. I stubble home. As I arrive at the doorstep of my house I spot a package. I hold the package under my arm. I look up at the grey clouds. This is who I am. I can't change the past. A drop of water lands on my cheek I decide it's about time to go inside. I walk up the stairs. The tinkling water droplets pitter on my roof. I slip into my pajamas and make myself a fresh hot chocolate. I sit down on my couch and turn on my tv. 13 Reasons Why turns on. I lie back on my couch trying to get comfortable. Bang. I hear a noise from upstairs. I run up the stairs, Nervous, Aware. I arrive in my room. It's quiet, All I can hear is the sound of the rain. Bang. A rock hits my window and falls back down to my front lawn.

I peer out my window. A dark, tall figure stands in the rain. The streetlights glow in the darkness of the night. The figure steps into the streetlights glow. I peer closer at him. Who is this mysterious person. Then I see something, Green dinosaur gumboots. That might mean nothing to the average person but I know who that is. Austin. He's out in the middle of the street, dancing in the rain alone.

I jump up and grab my gumboots and run outside. I don't care if I get wet, I don't care if I freeze because in his arms is where I want to be.



We dance together in the rain. He holds me close not ever letting go.

"I love you"

The last time I saw himWhere stories live. Discover now