Chapter 3-Threat's reveal

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Unknown pov

"General Grid, why do you disturb me at this point in time?" I didn't like to be disturbed at such hours. Especially if I was in the middle of gathering my strength. I turn to face my cybernetic general. Easily around my heart. He had one of his eyes replaced by a cybernetic one. The red glow lighting the room. His black armour covering most of his body. "Excuse me my lord, but we have located the object to which you requested. I have come to ask permission to lead a team to secure and bring it back to you at once." I liked it when my generals came to me to ask for permission to do things. I guess that had to do with my history of sending many of them through a portal to an unknown place. I smirk and reply. "Of course General Grid, take a squad and retrieve the object." Grid bowed before he walked to door and stopped. "And if the ninja show up?" I continue to smirk and let loose a small chuckle. "Have your men engage them while you secure the object, but do not end their pitiful lives yet, I wish to do that personally." "As you command my lord." Grid walks out and I return to my meditation. Soon, soon I will have the power to rule this weak land, and when I rule Ninjago, I shall set my sights on the other realms.

Lloyd pov

I open the doors to the training room. Emergency written all over my face. The others are fast to stop and run over before I speak. "We have a problem, a group of people have approached to obtain the helmet that belonged to the Overlord. We need to stop them before they do so." The others were fast to follow. Running outside, I already spy Pixel ready to go. Nodding, we get to our vehicles and speed off.

Arriving at the museum, I spy several black figures. Each was in dark armour. All of them had cybernetic parts attached to them in some place. Looking over them, I notice one of them wearing very dark silver shoulder armour with two black katanas on his back. He seemed to be in command but wore a helmet much like pixels but the same dark silver as his shoulder armour. He had one glowing red eye and one brown eye. He looked straight at us and then pointed at us before he spoke in a very rough but deep voice. "Deal with the ninja, but do not end their lives. I will secure the helmet" The others seemed to obey him and start running towards us. Getting up, I pull out my katana and prepare for battle. "Guys, they don't look friendly and the way in which they seem to be running at us, they might prove a challenge to take down." And I was proven right when one came at me, I barely had time to dodge and then no time to react when they came back again for another swing. I jumped back, bring up my katana and readied myself for combat.

Grid pov

I pushed a crate lid off before I looked inside, my cybernetic red eye scanning the box before I throw it to the side and move on. Opening the lid of the next box, I lift out a staff. It was designed like a snake. "Chens' staff, not what my lord wants." I throw it to the side and move on to the next box. Opening it, I find the sword that belongs to Morro. "Heh, Morro's katana, no need for that." I push the box to the side and lift open the next one and pull out the helmet. "At last, the helmet that controlled the stone warriors. I don't know why my lord wants this helmet, with the stone warriors all gone." I turn to find myself facing that green ninja. How he got past my men was beyond me but I chuckle and speak. "You think you can defeat me green ninja. Well, you might consider me defeated already because I have what I came for, and my orders are not to harm or engage you like my men could. So have fun while you still can, because when my lord returns to this pitiful land. You'll have no chance against us." I turn, activating a remote portal and step through. Closing the portal behind me.

Lloyd pov

I run forward just before the portal closes. I stop and take a few breaths before I speak. "Come on, I almost had him, whoever that was. If it was someone. He sounded like he was very high up in whatever organisation he was part off." I turn and exit as I watch the other ninja walk over, Pixel looking over those we had taken down. "So, did you get the guy leading them?" I sigh and reply. "No Cole, but he just told me without meaning to who he worked for, this dark lord that has been foretold to return." I looked at the others before I take a deep breath and continue. "But we should head back to the dojo and see if any of these guys can give us answers as to who this dark lord is?"

Kai pov

I hit the training dummy again before I step back and take a deep breath. The past few days had been either training or training our new warriors. The elemental troops. Somehow, both me and Skylor are able to give a small fragment of our powers to others. Hence why the elemental troops have come into existence. Selected from the best or those who hold potential. Those who are the best of the best are selected to become elemental commandos. The commanding force of generals in the elemental troops. I slice again at the training dummy, taking its head clean off. Looking forward, I smile at the work done and take a moment to reflect on how I came to this position. The others betray me, vote to kick me out of the team. Staying with Skylor and then discovering that we are to be the first elemental lords to know that we're meant to be together as one. What was that song, it had like the line, "The hands of the many must join as one" in it. The Humbling River, that's it. It seems that me and Skylor are the hands and of the many that join as one to lead the elemental troops into battle against this dark lord who remains unnamed in the scrolls. I can only see what power this dark lord must hold if we are to raise an army of men with elemental powers. I finish reflecting when I hear the soft calming voice of Skylor. "Kai, you've been standing there staring into space for sometime, is everything ok?" I could hear the concern in her voice. I turn to face her and reply. "Yeah, just reflecting on somethings. How's construction coming along?" "Fine, the lower levels are almost complete with the throne room and some of the guest rooms being completed already. We still have the upper levels to begin but the frame is up." I smile knowing that this'll be completed in a matter of a few weeks. "Then let us see what needs more attention. We must, after all, be ready if we are to live like royalty with a rule over this island." My response earned me a playful punch on my shoulder. "If you say so flame boy." Man, I loved it when she said that.....

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