The ghouls (name still a W.I.P 0-0')

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So I came up with a thing.

They probably won't be called ghouls later it's just a temporary thing (probably 0-0')

Anyways I've have these OCs in mind for a WHILE now but I've only shown maybe 2 of them XDDD soooo yeah

Anyways I've have these OCs in mind for a WHILE now but I've only shown maybe 2 of them XDDD soooo yeah

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Basically, they're a group of dead, yet alive souls. Brought back from the dead for either a purpose, unfinished business (even tho they don't die again after they complete it) or because they died with a strong passion/hatred for something

Far left:
Rose, you've seen her but ima still keep her backstory a secret because I love to torture anyone who wants backstory >:3

This is a new OC. She's a small child called Rain.
Backstory(yep you get hers):
Rain was born in a universe where it rains constantly so her parents sent her to the mountains of the world. They weren't so lucky. Anyways rain lived there for a while until she got a disease which causes sea and freshwater flowers to bloom on a persons body. This takes the hosts energy away and is completely fatal. She died a while after.

Pepper. Yes my cats human form is now an OC Cos why the actual fuck not XDD her backstory is linked with max (far right) so he'll be mentioned once or twice
Formally a regular cat. she was born from a controlling mother and fled home to the rest of the city as a kit. Later she met max who became her companion through the struggles of being a stray in the city. However one day a brother of max attacked the two. Pepper vowed revenge on the dog. And after she died of her injuries. She got it.

Far right:
Max. Time for his backstory. Again linked with pepper
Max was born into a gang pack. Not wanting anything to do with the violence he left home. Shortly after he met pepper. Who became his sort cat companion. However one day one of Max's brothers was ordered to kill both him and pepper as they knew about the insides and out of the gang. Max forgave his brother. And died of his injuries.

DATS A LOTTA DAMAGE TO THE MYSTERY! Anyways hope you like them! Even the baby beans

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