s i x | Crush

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If I were to deny the fact that in the span of approximately two weeks, I developed the biggest, most sincere crush on Taehyung Kim known to mankind, I would be lying.


He's everything I have ever liked in any boy. Sweet beyond words, kind, tall, handsome, deep voice. Not to mention his beautiful and cute accent. And he can pull of that blond hair in ways natural blonds can never hope to achieve.

But I must admit, I would very much like to see him with dark hair.

The bottom line is, I like Taehyung - a lot.

So of course I'm going to panic when I realize that he's alone with me in probably the biggest school library in the city, and just did the one thing girls in books and movies always rave aboutm

Helped me because I'm not tall enough.

The first sound that escapes my lips after his greeting is a cross between a "Hello?" and squeak. It's pathetic, but it happens.

"You need help with the books?" Taehyung is nice enough to not comment on my duck-like sound. He gestures towards the counter of books that still need to be shelved.

"Help? No, you don't have to. I can manage-"

Taehyung raises an eyebrow, finally looking down at me properly. His expression stills for a few seconds.

For the first time in a long while I'm grateful for the face I have. That reaction from Taehyung just makes up for everything.

"You are sure?" He asks. "I don't have anything to do..."

I take a minute to alternate between looking at the high shelf Taehyung can easily reach, up at Taehyung's tall stature, and down at me own tiny one in comparison, and then sigh.

"I'd appreciate that, actually."

That is how I spend the whole afternoon shelving books with Taehyung. Whenever we finished with own counter, I found an excuse to keep him there longer, and he played along perfectly.

"Oh, can you help me fix those posters?"

"Do you think you could give me a hand with labelling these?"

After I slowly start running out of excuses, Taehyung suddenly says, "Perhaps we can...just sit down now? I'm hungry."

He doesn't say anything about leaving.

"Yeah," I say, cringing a second later because I might have sounded a bit too excited. "I mean - sure. I have...sandwiches?"

Taehyung gives me a calculating look. "What's on them?"

I shrink when I say, "Mince and cheese..?"

He shouts in something I can only make out to be joy and makes grabbing gestures. I'm surprised at his abrupt show of childlike behaviour, but it just makes unwrapping a sandwich and handing it to him all the more exciting.

We spent the afternoon shelving books and hanging up posters, but we spend the rest of the day basking in the sunset spilling through St. Johnson's library's windowseat, talking around my marvellous mince-cheese-sandwiches and comfortable smiles.

How ironic that I bond with my first ever interest in the place that has quickly become my personal sanctuary, surrounded by the things I love most - books.

After a while, we fall silent. I close my eyes.

Taehyung does too. It's only after half an hour that I realize it's dark outside, Taehyung is sleeping, and the library door is locked.

Everyone's gone. We're trapped inside for the rest of the night.



A/N: Please kill me. No don't.  I'm already dead. Jin in Love Yourself: Answer just...finished me.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter. I would say I'm sorry for the cliffy, but I'd be lying lol.

I'm so blunt.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2018 ⏰

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