Chapter 9

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Stiles knew he was the one who suggested to meet up with his sister, but he had chickened out at the last minute. It's been years and suddenly coming to the realisation that his sister and mom still walked this earth was hard to swallow. Their deaths weren't real but his grief certainly was. It hadn't helped that the first face he saw when he looked through the dinner's windows from a distance was his mother's. Or that the pack was there.  He needed a distraction from the soap opera that was his life. Some liquid courage, a bit of dancing, a casual hookup... to the jungle it was.

Stiles was pleasantly buzzed. He had sent the address of the jungle to his sister. If they wanted to talk so much, they can come to him. The queens had welcomed him with open arms. He had the ladies know that he wanted to leave with more than a tipsy feeling and so they were on the lookout for hot guys. A few guys had come up to ask him to dance but Phoenix had turned them away. When Danny came up, Stiles had been pleasantly surprised. He knew Danny, he trusted Danny, Danny Mahealani was a good guy. But Phoenix let her sass take over and so Danny walked away with a sullen look on his face. "Ok, that's the fourth guy that showed interest in me and that you sent packing, what gives Phoenix?! You don't have to protect me!" Phoenix let out a snort. Cookie pulled him a bit closer." We're not protecting you, we're protecting them! Remember darling, we've seen you in action, you'll eat them alive!" she whispered in his ear. That made Stiles smirk. He had gained experience and confidence over the last year and he was gonna put it to use. He heard the familiar intro of 'blood in the water', jumped up, took a sip of Phoenix's cocktail and made his way to the dancefloor.

After the song ended, he spotted his sister, Alec, Scott, Malia and Lydia. He was hoping to see Danny but no such luck. He had been after Danny for years, he knew they would never work as a couple. Danny on the border of the supernatural, ready to run in the other direction. He knows of it, just doesn't want any part of it. Stiles was the exact opposite, too deep in and always going in further, long given up in trying to control his involvement. But that didn't mean they couldn't have fun together. He sighed, walking towards the group of people who were still blatantly staring at him. He was stopped a few times for dance proposals but he refused them, time to face the music. Suddenly Danny was there, right before him with a huge smile on his face. His happiness was contagious and Stiles wanted some of it, god knows he could use it. So he just let his instincts take over and threw his arms around Danny's neck. Danny's arms were around his waist. Stiles let go a little and Danny was talking animatedly. Stiles couldn't stop staring at his lips. Danny was still talking when Stiles mumbled "Fuck it! I'm just gonna-", grabbed the back of Danny's head and pressed his lips to him. He had startled Danny, there was no kissing back. But soon enough, the arms around his waist grabbed tighter and he felt Danny's tongue asking permission to go further. Who was he to say no?! The hand at Danny's neck played with his hair and the other hand snaked dangerously low to cup a feel, Danny had a great ass after all.


Well fuck! Alec's brain repeated to him. He had dreaded the hug but now Stiles and Danny were full on making out in front of them. Alec wasn't stupid, he knew he had started to feel something for Stiles. The jealous waves hit him hard and even though he wanted to look away, he couldn't. He was staring at Stiles again, his hands, his motions, his lips, granted the lips were now attached to Danny's but he could overlook that for now because Stiles looked like an amazing kisser and Alec wanted.

"Well, I guess that answers that question" Clary whispered with mixed feelings on her face. Half uncomfortable, half proud. Scott was clearing his throat, trying to interrupt. Malia had an animalistic look, not anger, more lustful. Weird. Even weirder was that Lydia had almost the exact same look on her face. Ugh, the bunch of hormonal teenagers! You're not any different, a voice in his head said. Thanks for the enlightenment brain! It seems that Scott's throat clearing helped somewhat because Stiles and Danny came to a stop and Danny let out a "woaw!" and that put a smile and blush on Stiles's face. " Still like to cuddle afterward?" Stiles asked Danny with dark eyes. That was a proposition if Alec ever heard one. Danny nodded eagerly. Stiles had taken Danny's hand and was now stepping in the direction of the exit. "Not so fast Stiles, we still need to talk, don't we?!" Clary said while obstructing Stiles's path. Stiles rolled his eyes and let out a longsuffering sigh "Danny, have you met my sister Clary?". Danny's eyes went wide and jumped from Stiles to Clary and back again. "Your what?!" he stuttered out. "Clary, I like you and I also want to get to know you better but if you want this newfound sibling relationship to flourish, I suggest you don't cockblock me!" Stiles said and started walking again, towing Danny behind him. 


When Stiles could finally taste the outside air, he let out a relieved huff. The relief made way for dread when his mother's face came in to view and when loud footsteps had followed them out of the jungle. "Enough running Stiles!" his sister pleaded. She took something out of her pocket and Stiles recognized the item from his research. It was a Stele. Clary was drawing something in the air, pushed her hand out and bright sparks formed an oval that was absorbing a lot of air. He was shoved forward, getting sucked in. Great, he realized he has just been pushed through a portal and he hadn't let go of Danny's hand.

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