Chapter 10

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"Love you Alless, will you call me tonight?"

"Love you too, I'll call as soon as I'm released from dinner. Bye."

And then I hung up because mine and Brendan's phone calls were becoming more long winded every time we tried to hang up, seriously once we start saying good bye it's almost impossible to hang up. Our call last night after dinner had been the same, but he had been a lot less agitated thankfully because of the whole spirit visit thing that I still didn't fully understand. However, I was a bit irritated and he could sort of tell that so after I had shot him down and refused to explain why he had filled the conversation with news from home: how Kate was feeling like a bus and being waited on hand and foot by every male in the house due to her pregnancy; how he was taking on a few of his dad's alpha duties to give him some time off; how Liam and Taylor had been overly romantic and lovey-dovey (so unlike Taylor really) so he had moved himself back into his room in The Hub (the big pack house); how his brothers were abusing this fact and playing pranks on him constantly and how Derek (his older brother) has taken to challenging anyone in the house to poker and hustling everyone out of money to the extent no one would even dare go near the game with him anymore. It all made me laugh and smile, just knowing life was continuing as normal (well as normal as it ever is) even if it made me a little sad I wasn't there to enjoy it too. 

The real reason I had been upset was because I had to sit beside that Bastard Geoff McIlroy at dinner again and was feeling horribly biopolar between wanting to beat the shit out of him and die of boredom. To make matters worse this morning I had been blackmailed into a morning stroll around the gardens with him. I seriously think no one else wants to hang out with him and because they have something over me they're making me spend time with him.  Anyway it was dull and boring and he inspected just within the boundaries of the surrounding woods to see if there was any wildlife worth hunting for profit. Which of course led to him to discuss his business at length. Again. And he still hasn't mentioned the werewolf bit. But it's ok, we leave in a few days anyway.

Anyway I have another call to make this morning and it's to Kate. I need to know why I'm getting these major moods swings and uncontrolable power manifestations. She knows everything to do with werewolves basically and I know she won't go blabbing to Brendan about all my issues which is a definite bonus.

I press call and she picks up almost instantly, "Hello? Allie? Are you ok?"

I smile slightly at her concern, "I'm fine Kate honestly, I just called for some info and advice. But first, how are you and the baby?"

I can almost feel her smile, "We're doing great, it's a few weeks yet until I'm due but I'm already the size of a bus! I can't see my toes at all and my centre of gravity is all over the place so walking well right now is a bit of a challenge. But the guys are all helping me out a lot. In fact I have the twins answering my every beck and call, they even got me a bell!"

My smile grows and I laugh, "Oh gosh I wish I was there to see that! The twins falling over themselves to help? It sounds implausible!"

She laughs with me, "I know I know. Anyway what is it you need to know?"

"Kate I'm having these extreme mood swings. One minute I'm fine, the next I'm severly depressed and the next I want to rip someone's head off! The anger is the worst one right now because in my rages I seem to lose all conciousness, like I don't register anything and I seem to get lost in the anger. My powers manifest violently, usually by moving and breaking things and-. Well just generally things are not good. Molly can usually get me out of it, or the other day in a particullarly angry then depressed mood I was brought down by Brendan's wolf spirit visiting. I don't know how it was possible and please don't tell Brendan right now! I mean he'll find out eventually but I'm home in a few days and I don't want him to worry!"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2014 ⏰

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