Chapter Two

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MY BROTHER Namjoon. I love the dude more than anything, but he could be a royal pain in my ass. He sent me a text on Wednesday night asking me to stop by his room. His room was the nicest at Beta Theta Sigma, so it was cool to hang out there. As befitted El Presidente, he had the corner on the second floor with nice big windows. There was a bedroom and a separate little office area for house business. I walked in holding a couple of cold brews, expecting to find him studying on the bed, but when he waved me into his office, I knew this wasn't just a bro call.

To my horror, Jeon Jungkook was already in there, sitting on the little couch. It was just me him and Namjoon. My stomach immediately went to its unhappy place. What was this, an intervention? Had Jungkook been boo-hooing to Namjoon because I wasn't friendly enough to him? I shot Jungkook an accusatory glare. "Hey," I said to Namjoon. I handed him a beer. I didn't apologize for not having one for Jungkook too. I had no idea he'd be there. Besides, he didn't look like a beer kind of guy. "Thanks, buddy boy." Namjoon took the beer and put it unopened on his desk like he'd have it later. Whatever. I opened mine and took a big drink.

"So...I called you guys up here because I have an assignment for you. You two are in charge of our Christmas party this year." I sprayed beer out in what, I swear to God, was a beautiful, fully symmetrical arc. If it had been paint, it would have been fine art. "Oh, hell no!" Namjoon ignored me. "Jungkook, you haven't done your fraternity service yet. Congratulation. This is it." Namjoon gave Jungkook his patented 'I know you agree with me' smile. "I figured you could come up with a few ideas to give the event some class. Last year it was basically ear-splitting music, thousand-proof punch, a wasteland of solo cups and vomiting. Copious amounts of vomiting."

"Hey! That was an awesome party!" I'd planned that party, that you very much. "Do I have options for this community service requirement?" Jungkook asked, arching one of those oh-so-fucking-classy eyebrows. "For example, building a bomb shelter in the backyard or scrubbing the inside of a chimney with a toothbrush?" He looked hopeful. "Because my parents entertained a lot, and I'd rather submit to water torture." "There you go," Namjoon said, all upbeat, like Jungkook, had just offered him the answers to the universe. "Plan a party you actually would like to attend. Here's a tip: cut down on the vomiting. As for you, Taehyung." Namjoon turned his attention on me.

"Absolutely not," I said.

"You're gonna work with Jungkook because you do know how to throw a frat party. It'll be a good mix."


"And it's your chance to make up for the way it turned out last year."

"Not gonna happen." I folded my arms firmly over my chest and narrowed my eyes. Not that there was much hope of intimidating the guy who'd helped potty train me. But you're gonna try? Yup. Well, okay then.

"And because you've done zero mentoring of the new rushes. And because I'm the frat president. And because I say so." Namjoon finished in his leadership voice. He quirked an eyebrow at me. My brother didn't throw his weight around often. But when he did, he meant it. I knew, in this, I was doomed.

I gritted my teeth. "What do I have to do?"

"Great!" Namjoon grinned as if Junkook an I were jumping up and down, clapping our hands with enthusiasm like Pee Wee fucking Herman. "I want a party plan on my desk in two weeks-theme, food, drinks, activities, the works."

"A what? It's a frat party!" I complained. "Why the hell would we need a plan?"

"Look, guys here's the thing..." Namjoon got serious and sat on the edge of his desk. "I've been working for the past few years to make this house one of the best on campus-"

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