14.Pass times

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Addie and Colby have been dating for 3 years and is getting married next month.

"Colbyyy"I scream from across the hall"YEAH BABY"Colby yells back. I wanna go to the mall babeeee. Colby text the boys to tell them that we'll be gone for a while. When they get to the mall addie goes straight for the hoddie s. "Oh my god," she's says as looking at the teen wolf hoddie in awe. CAN I GET ITTTTTTTT!! "Ofc addie" colby says.
-Addies pov-
Omg there is so many cute hoddies,I want them all! But I don't wanna spend all of his money:/ I'll only get 3 since they are $9 each.
-Colby's pov-
I love how addie gets so happy it warms my heart🤧, I want to get her all the things she wants. I have plenty of money I dont see why she don't get everything.
-end of povs-
Hey baby,addie says softly, I think I'm gonna get these 3( a teen wolf one, a aesthetic one and this one that has sad boy on it)"why don't you get more?" Colby asked. I don't want to spend all your money baby:( and I don't want ppl thinking I just use you for money,bc I really do love you with my whole heart."well listen here,You can get whatever you want from here I don't care. I have plenty money to get what you want." Colby said happily. AWWWW BABE REALLY? I love you. "I love you more,if you want I'll walk with you:)" omg please I don't like being around a lot of people😂
*they go to a store that had lots of athletic stuff and sweat pants*
O m g i want it all dkdkkd, addie screamed. "Get whatever you want baby"

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