Chapter 2:Decisions

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I looked at the clock, it said nine o'clock. Crap, I have to met everyone downstairs in ten minutes. I quickly got up and took a shower brushed my teeth, combed out my hair and grabbed some black jeans, white tank, and a red polo unbuttoned with red high tops. I quickly looked myself up and down in the mirror, not bad Moon for ten minutes. I walked out and saw the elevator begin to close at the end of the hall, I sprinted and yelled "wait!" and small foot quickly stuck out and stopped the doors. I saw that inside was Ally. She was wearing light blue skinny jeans, a red v-neck and some flats. Her hair was up in a ponytail and she had a little bit of make up. I didn't understand why though because she already looked gorgeous. Shut up Moon! "Sorry I didn't see you there" Ally said as I walked in. "No it's fine, I was in a rush already" I said, this made her giggle a little. "Oh here! I woke up early cause I couldn't sleep so I got donuts for everyone. Here for bringing me up last night" Ally said handing me a donut. "Thanks" I said, taking a bit out of the donut.

Ally's POV

Austin took his donut and the door was about to close when I heard yet another hold up! But this time it was a female's voice. Oh great. Cassidy walked into the elevator with the same outfit as me. Oh great. She was looking at Austin with dreamy eyes I rolled my eyes. Wait no you can't be jealous. Yet I still am. "Hey Austie?" Cassidy said, "um hi Cassidy and it's Austin" Austin said. "Oh is it now? Well I just thought I could give you a special nickname" Cassidy said fluttering her fake eyelashes. "Uh, ok" Austin said slowly scooting closer to me. "Oh and hey Alice!" Cassidy said. I rolled my eyes, "It's Ally" I said, "oh oops my bad" Cassidy said, "oh did you bring donuts? How cute" Cassidy said grabbing one. "Oh um Austin you have a little something" Cassidy said, she slowly lifted her hand onto his cheek where the tiny bit of frosting was. Austin just looked weirded out. I quickly came towards Austin and wiped the frosting off with my finger and licking it off. I saw Cassidy glare at me and I just smiled, "thanks Alls" Austin said. Aww he has a nickname for me, wait stop it! I blushed and I heard Austin chuckle "anytime" I said quietly. The elevator doors opened and Cassidy quickly put her arm around Austin's and walked out. I rolled my eyes and walked behind, I saw Austin turn around and look at me with eyes saying 'help me!' I just laughed and waved bye as Cassidy and him turn the corner.

Trish came running down the stair, "well someones in a rush" I said, Trish glared at me and then said "well I would of been down here earlier but boso lost his gingerbread family and wouldn't stop bugging me until I would help him" Trish said while rolling her eyes. I just laughed and then Trish said "also you and Austin seemed to be getting pretty cosy last night" I blushed "no we weren't. He just brought me upstairs cause I was tired" I said. Trish just shook her head. "Ally dear, I've been on plenty of tours with Austin and he is never nice to a girl unless he likes them" Trish said. "Whattt, no. He was just being nice! That's it!" I said. We got to the conference room still discussing if Austin was just being nice which I was pretty certain he was. But part of me wanted it to be because he liked me, wait ugh stop it! "Oh hello Ally, Trish. Cassidy said you and her bought donuts for us" Jimmy said pointing at the pink box in my hands, "well erm.." I began but Austin cut in. "Nope just Ally" as he smiled at me. Cassidy gave me yet another glare. God what's that girls issue with me? "Well then thank you very much" Jimmy said. We all sat down and Austin winked at me as he sat down in the chair next to me. I blushed yet again, god I really have to stop doing that.

Austin's P.O.V

I gave Ally a wink and she blushed she looks so cute when she blushes! Wait hold up Moon. "Alright ladies so as we told you last night you're both Austin's partner. The tour kickoff party is tonight and then tomorrow we go on the tour bus and start the tour" Jimmy said. A few people clapped and I just smiled. Jimmy continued " as I was saying, tonight you'll both be dancing as backup dancer for tonights performance and Austin's going to be singing 'Superhero" so I'll tell you guys the routine and then we'll tell you which girl gets to be his partner tonight. And from then on you guys will just switch back and forth sounds good?" I looked at Cassidy who was blinking eyelashes all in my face and nodded her head. I then looked at Ally who gulped, then looked at me and smiled. I gave her a warming smile. I kinda hoped that tonight's performance would be with Ally since they didn't tell Dez, Trish and I because they were too afraid that we would leak. "Ok so for the partner performance one of you will start on a balcony just sway the dance instructor will go more into detail about this as well. Then as soon as Austin get's to the chorus you're going to fall. Don't worry cause he'll catch you and then you go into the dance retuone. I'm just telling you about the falling part because I think you guys who practice first just so you trust each other and all" Jimmy said. "Oh don't worry I completely trust Austin" Cassidy said looking at me, her eyes yelled desperate I sighed oh well. "Well the girl who will be performing tonight with Austin is..."

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