Weekend Fun

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You was starting to get a hang of school life and everyone stood their grounds and you didn't bother with them. Yeah you got into trouble but your friends love the new you. Finn even you loved you more.

You and Sadie were sat on the school field thinking away at things to do over the weekend.

"We could go swimming." Sadie said looking over to you.

"Uh!" You speak. "Boring. I want fun! Excitement!"

"How about you two plan a holiday for us all." Millie interrupted sitting down beside you.

"HOLIDAY!" You and Sadie screamed. Millie screamed also and turned into a scream fest.


So it was set. You girls were about to plan a holiday and not tell the boys about it.

"This is so exciting! I wish Finn could come." You moan.

"Look... no fence to you and your relationship but you need to chill and relax without him. Have fun on this holiday without him. Forget he exists and have fun. Party, drink, do something crazy!" Sadie and Millie piled on.

"But isn't that cheating?" You ask.

"Nope. You're having fun. You're taking a break from Finn and having fun. He would if he was going on holiday." Millie says to you.

"Girls!" Sadie calls catching your and Millie's attention.

"What is it?" Millie asks.

"The boys know what we are planning and they want to come! What do I say?" Sadie looks to you and Millie.

"Tell them straight up. No! It's girl weekend and we planned this for girls only." You smile at Sadie and smile to Millie.

"GIRL WEEKEND!" You all scream in excitement and hold hands in the air. Your right hand on Sadie's and your left on Millie's. Millie held Sadie's as you jumped and screamed. This weekend was going to be the best.


"So where we going?" You asked Millie and Sadie as you took the train.

"Somewhere good." Sadie tells.

"Why train? What's wrong with plane?" You ask.

"Train is easier and it's not that fair." Sadie says.

"We need to be far. That's why we got away from everyone, even our parents and family."

"And not forgetting the boys and school." You tip in.

"That too." Millie spoke.

"Stop complaining and sit back and relax. Everyone was boarding the train and you followed Sadie and relaxed. Nothing was going to spoil your weekend.


"This room stinks!" You complain.

"Sorry but don't you have any better rooms?" Sadie asks the butler.

"We are out unfortunately." He tells us.

"Great!" You say in a huff. "I thought you said it was going to be a good and exciting weekend." You stated Sadie's words.

"Do you have any strong spray for the room?" Sadie asks.

"Sure! I'll be back with them." He leaves and you wait till he comes back with 4 cans of spray.

"How many?" You ask.

"The only way you're gonna get rid of the smell." He leaves and let you girls spray every inch of the room. Millie took the corners near the beds, you took the bathroom and Sadie took the whole living space.

- 1 hour later -

After spraying some much of the room, the room was starting to smell nice. You open the door and find a car freshener. You look at the girls and place it in the room also whilst putting the empty bottles outside the room.

You shut the door and enjoy the smell of the sprays. A lot of different flavoured smells were scented in the room.

One area, lemon and lime. Another area scented strawberry and raspberry and the other hinted tropical.

"Now it smells better." You said with a smile.

"Who would of thought we would have to spray our room for the start of our weekend." Millie pointed out.

"It doesn't matter. The jobs done. We should go out and enjoy ourselves." Sadie spoke. You and Millie agreed as begun to join the weekend.


•a few days later•

After the whole weekend nearly ruined. The girls hardly had any fun and didn't get to hitch anyone, you gave up and decided to call it quits.

"Guys! I'm going home. This weekend is shit and I'm not having fun." You complained.

"I agree. Let's go home and go back to having fun with the boys. No matter what they know how to make us laugh." Millie says.

"Ok. But I did try make this weekend great." Sadie said with an unhappy face.


Back in town and you raced to Finn, who was with Gaten, Caleb and Noah. You hugged him, burying your face in his clothes and apologising for no reason.

"y/n! What's up? Why you apologising for?"

"I tried having fun without you like the girls said but it went to bum. Nothing was fun or exciting and all I was thinking about was you." Gaten made eyes at Finn.

"Tell her Finn." Gaten told Finn. You turn to Finn.

"Look... y/n. I love you, but..." finn started. You was dreading this day. You knew what he was gonna say and you wish the girls were here to have your back. "I can't do this no more. I have to end this. I'm sorry." He says in a unhappy tone. "But we can still be friends." You had tears forming in your eyes and suddenly you say red.


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