One Night in Volterra

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1959 - Volterra, Italy

Aro's POV

A scream broke through the castle. One that brought me to my knees, a scream of pure agony from my wife, the love of my existence. Even though she was a human I love her with all my heart.

I was scared. Yes. I, Aro Volturi, was scared, terrified, not for me but for the life of my wife and unborn child.

My wife was lying on our marital bed, sweating and bleeding. In her exhaustion, she still tried to give me a tired smile. I smiled back and kissed her head. Her face scrunched up and with an unknown strength, she gave another push. She leaned back and rest her body on mine. Breathing heavily and soaked with sweat, she looked so beautiful. Never have I, in my entire existence, found a more beautiful woman than the one who was bringing our first, last, and only child to earth.

This child shall be half-vampire half-human. Not the first in history, but still a rare thing.

I knew that if I don't change her, Sulpicia wouldn't survive. The lost of blood and exhaustion from birthing a baby that was so much stronger than her would surely be too much for her frail human body. So like what I had planned, as soon as the baby was delivered, I would bite her and change her to one of my kind. A vampire.

The odd way this baby was coming to the world didn't escape me. Normally, a half breed baby would tore its way out of the mother's body. But this one, my child, was coming the way a human baby would. I was grateful and worried at the same time. Grateful because it increased Sulpicia's survival chance and worried if there was something wrong with this baby.

Another scream pulled me out of my thought.With that one last scream from my beloved, I heard a different cry echoed in the air. A lighter, softer and high pitched cry of a baby. My child, my baby.

I looked down and saw my wife loosing her consciousness. With no hesitation, I bit her neck, her wrists, and the top of her left breast, near her heart. I gently laid her down on the bed and kissed her forehead. I leaned close to hear ear and whispered, "A presto, mio amato."

See you soon, my beloved.

I heard footstep approaching and look up to see Esme, my old friend Carlisle's mate, holding a bundle.

"Congratulation Aro, it's a girl." She said

Then I looked at my daughter. She was so tiny but yet so beautiful. The thick hair covering her small head was brown, like my own, and curled at the end just like her mother. She had rosy, chubby cheeks and small button nose. She also had her mother's heart-shaped face. Her little ears already resembled my own. Her slightly thicker eyebrows were all Italian genes. She was wearing the cream colored dress made by her mother. Ah, Esme must have dressed her after clearing all those blood off her small body.

I wondered what color her eyes were? Just then as if she could read my thoughts, the baby opened her eyes and looked at me with wide, frightened eyes. Her eyes were chocolate brown, just like me when I was human. Such a perfect combination of me and my wife.

Her eyes darted around in curiosity, looking for something. Her mother, I presumed. Her eyes landed back on me as if asking who I was. Unpredictably, her small bottom lips trembled, and her expression became teary. She let out a small cry and squeezed her eyes shut.

I panicked. What was I supposed to do with a crying newborn baby? I looked at Carlisle and his wife asking for their help.

"She must be terrified, birth can be traumatizing for babies. Talk to her, Aro. See if she recognizes your voice." Esme said.

"Shhh, mio bambina. Don't be afraid. I won't let anything happen to you."

The baby opened her teary eyes and her cries turned into a soft sniffles. I smiled at the sight and softly brushed her hair.

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