Part One is All the Parts

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There is a "happening" outside. They arrive in small groups - as many a crew out on the lash will do. They posture and primp and jostle for best lines of sight, for best placement or higher ground, the better to see and be seen.
Like any gathering where there is a party atmosphere, the volume increases as more arrivals join the fray. They joke, they call each other out and attain nearly contortionist outlines as they get into the swing of things.
They down a few, play some games and as with the volume of their excited voices , the rules of engagement changed, become heightened. More contact sport now, than posture. Minutes pass..
Soon, the games change altogether and the air seems to crackle with their energies. Each physical overature becomes more pointed, the contact is full on, the level of communication is far more aggressive. They toss a few more down the gullet and then, the jovial aura of convivial comradarie is gone. Now begins the bickering. The placement and posturing taking on serious overtones as flight or fight takes hold. There is a screech and the sounds of heavy scolding as they are unceremoniously chased away from their now bedraggeled roosts.
Yes - there is a Happening outside. The Birds...are drunk on elderberries and sumach...It's the second act and the show is just beginning!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2018 ⏰

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