Before the show

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Y/n: hey, all might, how's it going?

-this is Y/n, a well known singer/speaker, he is mainly know for how he performs, whenever he does in between songs he'll talk about the importance of something or will bring attention to something a bit sensitive and explain how people can help along with why they need to. He is also a good friend of all mights, along with other pro heroes, now of course the media knows that (as a result of always inviting pro heroes to be guests of honor at his concerts, giving them a chance to speak about why they chose to be a hero), but what the media doesn't know is that (y/n) is quirkless, so how did (y/n) become such good friends with pro heroes, that question will answered in another story. Now, back to the present, in backstage, All Might just arrived to act as bodyguard for (y/n), do to (y/n) being a very inspirational guy, many people (mainly villains) wanted him dead, so to prevent that from happening, some of (y/n)'s hero friends would volunteer as his bodyguards, today, it was all nights turn.

All Might: HA HA I'm am doing well, thank you for asking, how are you?

(Y/n): I'm great, hey thanks for helping me buddy, I don't know what I do without you guys looking out for me.

All Might: it is no problem, I am happy to help a friend of mine!

(Y/n): great, speaking of helping, how are you and midnight doing, or do you still need help fessing up to her

All Might:...........................nothing
-(y/n), being all Mights friend knew both his secrets, not only his true form, but also about him having a crush on the r-rated hero midnight.

(Y/n): come on man, she'd totally say yes if you asked her out.

All Might: how would you know?

(Y/n): cause i asked

All Might: WHAT?!

(Y/n): don't worry I didn't tell her, I just asked what she thought of you, she actually really likes you.

All Might: really!?

(Y/n): yep, she said if you didn't ask her out soon, then she'd go and ask someone else

All Might: WHAT, WHO?

(Y/n): me


(Y/n):yep, tell you what how about you go talk to her right now, and go take her on a date

All Might: (Y/n) you know I can't do that, I have to make sure you don't get hurt tonight

(Y/n): it'll be fine, just make sure you send someone else over okay?

All Might: are you sure?

(Y/n): I'm sure

All Might: thank you so much, I will see you later good friend.

(Y/n): don't forget to send someone else over, okay?

All Might: will do!

-All Might then jumps into the air, leaving (Y/n) to get ready for his performance

(Y/n): (to himself) good luck buddy

Crew member: (Y/n) your on in 10, make sure your ready.

(Y/n): will do

-(Y/n) then got ready and set everything up that he needed.
He also got a text from all Might, saying that he sent someone, and that they'll be there in about a half an hour.

Well time to go perform.

-(Y/n) then goes behind the curtains and peaks inbetween, looking to see how many people showed up

(Y/n): wow, that's a lot of people

Crew members: good luck (Y/n)

(Y/n): thanks guys

-and with that they curtains opened, following with an accumulation of applause and screaming (the screams coming from all the girls in the audience)

- To Be Continued

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