Chapter Five

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Alec waited until he was certain his dad would be out of the caves and on his way back to Touren before he led Kellian out of the cave. Instead of climbing back up the rope, he went left, to a massive chasm that dropped into a secluded part of the cave. From there, there were a set of crude staircases that would lead them to the surface. It was safer to leave this way. If Rosseau had decided to wait for Alec to join him, he would be waiting at the well. From the dilapidated tower ruins, Alec and Kellian could sneak away undetected.

Upon seeing the chasm, Kellian quaked in fear, but Alec took his tentacle and reassured him. "It's ok," he said. "It's not a far drop. The other kids and I used to go this way all the time."

Kellian was still shaking, but it nodded, and allowed Alec to pull him down with him. The drop was only a few feet. Kellian's tentacles barely even touched the ground from the landing before it was hovering at it's usual height.

From there, Alec lead his Viri friend up a few flights of stairs, until they reached the surface again, sheltered behind the tower ruins. Gesturing for Kellian to stay put, Alec cautiously peered around the walls, scanning the clearing for the familiar sight of his father's gleaming armour and rippling cape. When he saw none, he allowed himself a small sigh of relief.

Turning back to Kellian, he said briskly, "The coast is clear. But we need to hurry. By now, Dad will be heading to Touren, and he'll be wondering how long I intend to sulk out here." Kellian nodded, wrapping one tentacle firmly around Alec's arm.

Together, the two darted out of the clearing and along the forest paths, using pathways that Alec had known for years to make sure they weren't spotted by Rosseau, should he still be nearby. Far south of where dad and son had entered the forest earlier that day, Alec and Kellian emerged near the bank of the Serket Channel, blinking the sunlight from their eyes. Far to the west, the tower that held Max and Wallace was gleaming from it's precious island. Alec scanned the flatlands, catching sight of what might have been his dad, making his way resolutely towards Touren.

They still had time to reach the tower.

Quickly, keeping to the unmarked coast, Alec led Kellian with swiftness towards the Touren half of the Passage, keeping well out of sight of anyone who might be coming from Touren looking for them. It was a much longer path than simply cutting through the landmass to the banks of the tower moat, but Alec wasn't willing to risk being seen and taken to his dad when the talaria were in his hands for the moment. For two hours, they traveled. By the time the rough cave overhang of the Passage was in sight, Alec was certain that what little advantage they had by moving as soon as they did was gone. Rosseau had to be looking for him now.

With Kellian at his side, he veered his path sharply northward, curving above the passage to the edge of the moat. To his relief, there was no one at the edge of the water. The two halted at the bank of the wild, frothing moat, and Kellian watched as Alec pulled out and examined the talaria again.

"Do you remember how these work?" he asked Kellian.

Kellian bobbed yes. "Maxy and Wallace always looked at the spot they wanted to fly to before they put the shoes on. The magic in them responds to where you think you want to go."

Alec frowned. "So I just have to put them on?"

Kellian nodded. "I have to hold onto your back," it added. "So that I can fly with you."

Alec nodded slowly. All of a sudden, this plan to simply use the talaria wasn't so simple anymore. Ignoring the clenching unease in his stomach, he gestured for Kellian to wrap it's tentacles around him. Sitting slowly on the ground, he carefully slipped the oversized slippers over his own shoes, braced himself, and with Kellian wrapped securely around his waist, he fixed his gaze firmly on the top of the tower and gingerly stood up.

Chapters of Fate, Book One: AlecWhere stories live. Discover now