Chapter Twenty Six

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Bayley's POV

I watched ringside as my girlfriend wrestled against Ruby Riot.


It feels so weird to finally say but it does feel right.

I see Sasha holding Ruby in the bank statement and I smile.

Wait for it

The bell rings declaring Sasha the winner I smile and get in the ring.
I walk over to my girlfriend and give her a hug.

"You did good Sash." I say making her smile and shrug.

"Don't I always?" She says making me smile and raise her hand up.

We walk back into the locker room and as Sasha is changing out of her ring gear Stephanie walks in.

"You did a great job out there" She congratulates

"Uh thanks?" Sasha say probably wondering what Stephanie wants.

"Can we help you?" I ask trying to sound as polite as I can.

"How long?" Stephanie asks confusing both Sasha and I.

"How long what?" Sasha asks making Stephanie roll her eyes.

"Your relationship!" She says

"Well we've been friends for quite a few years." I say making Stephanie face palm.

"Oh my god no! Not relationship as in friendship. I meant dating!" She says making our eyes widen.

"Excuse me?" Sasha says

"Your. Relationship. How. Long. Have. You. Guys. Been. Together?" Stephanie asks slowly making sure we heard each word.

"Did someone tell you?" I ask

"No but any person with eyes can tell you guys are dating." She says

"Why am I not shocked? Everyone always figures it out anyways." Sasha says

"So have you been dating for a while?" Stephanie asks

"Sure if a while means like three hours." I say

"Okay well I want you guys to go public." Stephanie says

"We are?" Sasha says earning a shake of the head from Stephanie.

"No I mean like after a match you guys kiss, on the lips." Stephanie says

"Okay but why there interest in our relationship and why want us to kiss in front of the wwe universe?" I ask

"Well it would be a great for the wwe, all the attention. Plus it would give you guys more big opportunities such as more title matches." Stephanie explains making us nod.

"Yeah but Bayley is already the champion?" Sasha says

"Okay fine make this difficult just kiss and don't hide the flirting in front of the cameras and fans." Stephanie says

"Or your fired. Have a great day, I'm happy for your guys relationship!" Stephanie says as she walks away. I hear a surprisingly feminine scream followed by heavy footsteps.

"Oh my god finally you guys are dating!" Seth says as he hugs us.

"That's great and all buddy but I can't breathe." I say making him let us go quickly.

"Sorry I didn't mean to suffocate you guys." He says making us wave it off.

"Why didn't you guys invite me to the ceremony?" Seth asks

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