Playing With Fire- 06

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1 Year later 

It's been a while since I heard your voice. Our relationship has grown cold with every text and word we said to each other. 

We fixed our relationship before you left off to the military. I still remember the bright smile you gave me before you went off to board the plane. On the other hand, I was a mess. 

The first night without you I cried because a storm just supposedly had to happen that day. I hate the sound of thunder and you were usually there to hold me but it was different now. 

I finally felt what it was like to be lonely in a long time.  

I dried my tears before calling you because I knew you'd get worried and you must have so much on your plate right now.




I cut off the call since I knew you weren't going to pick up, part of me had a feeling it'd be like that for a while.

It was still raining for a while before I finally heard my phone ring. I quickly answered the call thinking it was you, but it wasn't. 

"Jisoo...Are you okay?", a familiar voice said and I bursted out in tears. 

"I-I miss him Yoongi, what if he finds some hot military girl and leaves me", I cried all my thoughts out to him and he stayed silent listening to every word. 

Yoongi and I met the day Tae gave me my ring, Yoongi took our pictures and introduced himself as Tae's best friend and after that day we've kept a close but mutual friendship. 

"Jisoo-ah~ You shouldn't worry about that kind of stuff, Taehyung loves you, I'd beat his ass if he were to leave you like this, Please don't cry anymore", Yoongi said as I tried to stop my running nose and tears. 

It eventually worked and we ended up talking all night until I fell asleep on the phone. He teased me about the next after he offered to take me out for ice cream. 

You had called back around the end of that day.

"Baby? Are you there", you said and I nodded as if you could see me. "Yeah, Tae are you okay? You haven't answered my calls in so long", I questioned and he let out a tired sigh. 

"I'm so sorry princess, I'm at the camp where there's no service and it's going on for about another week,Couldn't stay away from you any longer so I drove out to some place with service, I'm sorry I know you missed me", You apologized and I shrugged. 

"It's fine..."

No it's not. 

"Taehyung we have to go before the unit knows we're missing!", I heard a manly voice call out in the background and Taehyung said his goodbyes and I love you'd before hanging up. Leaving me alone again.



"Yoongi can I come over, I need a drink" ...

PLAYING WITH FIRE~ Vsoo ✔ Book 1Where stories live. Discover now