Love only gets stronger

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It was the weekend. I slept in late and I enjoyed it! I picked up my phone and decided to look on Instagram. I decided to post a new photo.

"Got me feelin like a happy girl!❤️"   I turned my phone off and decided to put on some work out clothes and go for a jog

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"Got me feelin like a happy girl!❤️"
I turned my phone off and decided to put on some work out clothes and go for a jog. I put on my sneakers and put my head phones in and went on a jog.
(Oliver's house) I had finished eating breakfast and stared getting ready. I got on Instagram and posted because I have to keep the Moy Army happy!

"Guess what? I love you!!❤️"  I posted the selfie and I looked outside to see a girl turn down my street

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"Guess what? I love you!!❤️"
  I posted the selfie and I looked outside to see a girl turn down my street. I saw that is was Sandee. I hurried and changed into sweatpants and a a work out shirt and ran outside. I stretched and saw her coming by my house.
  I was jogging and I saw Oliver outside working out. I waved and kept going. I will say Oliver is really cute but he probably would never go for me. Even though what Zoe says. I got back to my house and I knew I already posted a selfie but I'd do it again.

   "Feelin great after a work out!❤️💪🏻"  I posted the selfie and saw that Oliver was on suggested for you

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   "Feelin great after a work out!❤️💪🏻"
  I posted the selfie and saw that Oliver was on suggested for you. I looked at his profile and decided to follow him. I turned off my phone and got into the shower.
(Oliver's house) Okay I admit that was really stupid of me to rush out there. But she is just so cute that I needed an excuse to see her. My phone buzzed so I looked to see what it was. It was a notification from Instagram saying "SandeeGirl<3 started following you" I started freaking out. I decided to send her a follow request and see if she would accept it.
(Sandee's House) I got out of the shower and got dressed I looked at my phone to see a notification saying "Oliver.Moy has requested to follow you" I approved his follow request and went back to getting ready.
   My grandma and Grandpa went on a business trip and left a note saying. "We will be back in three to four weeks. We have left enough money for you to last till then. Love you! Grandma and Grandpa"
  Not only did they leave me enough money but I also have a job and a bank account with over 500 dollars in it. We were running low on food so I decided to go grocery shopping. So I grabbed my keys and purse and headed to the store.
(Moy's House) Oliver will you and Sebastian go to the store and get some stuff for me? There Mom asked. Yes we can go to the store! Oliver said. Thank you! There is money on the counter. She said. Ok! Sebastian let's go. Oliver said. I'm coming! Sebastian said. They grabbed there stuff and left for the store.
  (The Store) I was going through my list. Milk, check. Eggs, Check. Cereal, check. I was walking through the store and I saw Oliver and Sebastian walk in. I hid my face. I was in the chip isle and My phone buzzed. It was a something funny my friend sent me.
  I started laughing. Sebastian and I were walking passed the chip isle and I saw Sandee laughing. Sebastian turned down the isle next to her but I stayed and took a picture.

 Sebastian turned down the isle next to her but I stayed and took a picture

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   I took the picture and hurried to the next isle. I turned my phone off and put it in my pocket. Oliver here is the brownie mixes. Sebastian said. Ok I'll check it off the list. Oliver said.
  I had gotten everything I needed so I went to the self check out. I only had a few things so I wouldn't be long. I finished checking out and I payed $30.65 which isn't to bad. I grabbed my stuff and went to my car.
  I finished putting my stuff in my car when I saw Oliver and Sebastian walk out. I hurried and got inside and started my car. I went to pull out and I saw that they parked right next to me. Luckily I pulled out before the noticed me.
   I had gotten back to the house and carried all of my groceries inside. I locked my car and closed the door and locked it behind me. I turned on some music and started to make some dinner. Because when I got back from the store it was almost 7 because I kept trying to find a reason not to go to the store.
   I made chicken enchiladas. Which where my grandmas famous recipe. I turned on the kitchen tv and watched Supernatural.
  (The Moy's House) We were having fajitas. Which are absolutely delicious. I finished eating and went up to my room. I pulled out my phone and was looking at the picture I took of Sandee at the store. I remember thinking gosh I'm madly in love with her.

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