Strings of Fate

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This is one of my enteries for the second edition of the SeBaek Fic Fest! Thank you so much to everyone who voted for me (;﹏;) Your comments were so sweet, I can't thank you enough.

I'm sure it's really obvious, but I based this fic on Exo's Universe MV. But the guardian concept was actually an idea I came up with when I was really young, and I've always kept it in mind. I decided to finally use it for the Fic Fest, I'm so glad you guys liked it! <3

Btw, I've received a ton of comments from you guys on Wattpad (Like over 300, I'm not kidding...So much love T^T), but my app stopped working after the update and won't let me respond. Don't worry, I will respond to you guys later when I have more time on my computer.  Thanks so much, I really love all your thoughts!


At exactly 1:45 pm, Kyungsoo was going to accidentally bump into another boy in the hallway at school.

It may seem like an insignificant moment, but it was something that had been weaved into Kyungsoo's fate since he was born. Baekhyun knew it was going to happen, just like he knew all the other important moments in Kyungsoo's life. After all, he was assigned to watch over Kyungsoo, to be his guardian angel of sorts. It was his utmost priority to know what was going to happen to Kyungsoo.

Still, fate is a tricky thing. There are many paths that can be taken, and the choices Kyungsoo made throughout his life constantly changed his own fate. It was ever evolving, each milestone Kyungsoo came upon and reacted to altered which direction he took on his life journey.

It was like a confusing and tangled web of strings, each decision branching off from a singular important moment onto another path.

Bumping into a boy named Park Chanyeol was one of Kyungsoo's milestones in life, but what happened next depended on how he reacted to that moment. Baekhyun wasn't sure what path Kyungsoo was going to take, but he would do his best to guide Kyungsoo through the happiest life he could, as long as no one else's fate collided with his in an undesirable way.

There wasn't much Baekhyun could do to help Kyungsoo, after all he had very little control over what happened in the living realm. All he could do was give Kyungsoo small impulses, a sudden and unknown feeling in his gut. Sometimes it was as simple as making Kyungsoo turn his head to look at something, Kyungsoo unsure of why he suddenly looked in that direction.

However, most of the time Baekhyun simply watched Kyungsoo's life unfold. There hadn't really been many reasons to interfere so far. It was pretty straightforward at the moment, Kyungsoo only being a high school student.

But Baekhyun was excited for today. Milestone moments like this one weren't that common, and Kyungsoo hadn't had very many yet. Baekhyun was anxious to see what Kyungsoo would do, and what new path that would lead him on.

Baekhyun walked along Kyungsoo's side, moving down the empty hallway with him. Kyungsoo's teacher had asked him to deliver some paper to another classroom, a thick stack that was a little heavy for him to carry. He looked down at words written on the papers, reading them and not paying attention as he rounded a corner.

And then it happened. Kyungsoo bumped into a tall boy, which harshly knocked him over onto the floor, papers flying everywhere.

Even though Baekhyun had been eagerly waiting for this moment, he barely witnessed it happen. He was suddenly enthralled by something else, by the man standing next to Chanyeol. He was tall as well, but there was a much colder look to his appearance, and Baekhyun was entranced by it.

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