Chapter 6- Then

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School could, regretfully, be described as the best and worst part of Connor’s life. It was the worst for obvious reasons. He was trapped in a building composed of linoleum and distastefully bright lockers for eight hours a day, five days a week, with hundreds of equally unenthusiastic adolescents. Unfortunately, Connor didn’t do much else so he couldn’t protest to going. Not that his parents would notice or care if he ceased to attend to Dubois High. It was the best part of his life because despite his mediocre at best grades, he enjoyed learning new things. But he was rarely satisfied with the information he discovered in classes.

  This vaguely depressing reality loomed low over Connor’s consciousness as he navigated the hallways between Creative Writing and World History. This was probably a competing argument for why he agreed to skip History when the diminutive in stature but not size Miles told him there were more important things to do than soak up the flattering (not) fluorescent lights.

“Are you still milking that ‘strong and silent’ routine?” Miles questioned loudly and sarcastically on the icy ground. It was the kind of cold that sank into your bones. “Tell me if it works out for you.” Another sarcastic quip. Miles couldn’t get his head around the whole, ‘not talking’ thing. It wasn’t hard to imagine him struggling with being quiet for even a minute, so after four days it was starting to confuse him.

“Since you are not going to ask, I will tell you my incredible plans for the rest of the day.” Miles continued, his annoyance staying with the dismal school building.

“We are picking up one more person before we head for the lake.” Connor didn’t even blink. “We’re going to Duluth my friend.” He said referring to the city six hours away from Dubois. Miles clearly wanted some sort of response from him, preferably in the speech category, but Connor had been friends with Miles for long enough for him to be used to this sort of thing, he even expected it.

They reached the bat mobile just as the sound of laughter filtered over from the school’s entrance. Connor glanced over to see a vaguely familiar girl dragging an uncomfortable looking Amy after her. Connor peered over the roof of the car at his vertically challenged friend and raised an eyebrow.

“Thought it was just Blaire, must be her plus one.”   Soon the two girls reached them; Blaire grinning like a Cheshire cat and Amy glancing over her shoulder frequently and with increasing panic.

“She can’t protest, some ‘no speaking’ phase she’s going through, so I’m kidnapping her.” Blaire explained gleefully. She hooked her elbow around Amy’s neck when the girl tried to pull away, “Come on, it’ll be good for you.” Amy looked annoyed but when she squirmed out of Blaire’s hold she didn’t make a break for it.

“I call shotgun!” Blaire yelled; leaping into the passenger seat before Connor could blink. He shrugged and slipped into the backseat next to Amy who was sitting with her seatbelt already on and a nervous expression on her face. They pulled out of the parking lot without being caught and soon they were cruising down the interstate, on their way to Lake Superior.

“Connor hasn’t being talking either.” Miles proclaimed, spinning around to shoot his friend a look. The car swerved and Amy’s eyes widened, her grip tightening on the seat. “Not one word for about four days now.”

“Same with Amy, she won’t tell me what she’s doing. Probably some cause her mom wants her to support for that stupid college application.” Amy kicked Blaire’s seat angrily. “Ow! What was tha-” She spun around but when she saw Amy’s face she stopped. “Sorry.” She said quietly.

Connor stared at Amy. She nodded at her friend and turned to the window, gripping the chair ever more tightly.

“That doesn’t sound like Connor though.” He tensed and the car jerked to the right. Miles shouted a word that turned Amy’s ears red and sent Blaire into a fit of giggles. “I missed the exit!” He hit the wheel. “Now we have to go all the way back!” Connor relaxed, the conversation was clearly over.

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