Chapter 1

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It Was My Fault. I Made Them Drink And Get High. It's all my fault that we came out the bar drunk. We Got Jumped By a huge group of men. I see gazzy, Omar, Diego and kimetrius getting knocked out. The last thing I saw before I passed out on the floor was Stokeley getting punched until he Got knocked out too.

I woke up by the sound of groans from all around me. I opened my eyes and saw all my friends here barely getting up. I tried to get up but I found out that I was tied up. We all were. I saw Stokeley, he was trying to break free.

"Stokeley!" I tried my best crawling to him. When I finally did , I put my head on his stomach and looked at him, he had so much bruises on his face, his lip was busted and his eye was black too. He looked back at me and stopped trying to break out of the ropes. He then kisses my forehead.

"I was trying to break out of here to get you, I thought you were still passed out so I wanted to go over to you to see if you were okay, im glad you are." He smiles. I smile back at him and look around the room. I see Omar trying to get out like a maniac

"Fuck! I will fucking kill somebody if I could! But first Imma try and break these fucking ropes!"

"Omar Calm down, I don't think we can break these! There too strong.." gazzy says trying to crawl over to Omar and calm him. Diego looks around. He looks at the bruises on us, then he sees blood. He then pukes. I guess he didn't like seeing the blood, bruises and he probably drank to much of those nasty shots.

We all turn our head to a slam in the room. I see three men in suits walk into the room...along with my ex...Geneva

"Well, Well, Well. Look who all finally decided to wake up. How did you all sleep?" She laughs, while looking at all of us. She turns her head to Diego and walks towards him.

"Whoa, what happened here? Little boy had to much to drink huh? And, I just barely washed this floor. Looks like you'll have to clean it up!" She grabs Diego's head and mushes him into all his puke.

"Don't Touch Him!!! I Will kill you!!!" Kimetrius says while looking at her with anger in his eyes. I looked at all the gang and they all had anger in their eyes. When she finally took Diego's face out of his puke she throws his head to the side, making him land on the floor. He groans with disgust. She then looks at me with pure disgust and anger in her eyes

"Well, I can't believe we finally met again Jahseh. Just seeing you makes me want to throw up in disgust. How does it feel not having me around with you? I felt pretty sad when you broke me. I was upset for years. Or maybe months? Who cares. I've now gotten over that. And you! I see you have a boyfriend now. I always knew you would be tired of girls and now look at you. Dating your best friend."

"Fuck you! I wish I never met you, you fucking Bitch!" I yell in anger, I ball up my fists when she starts walking towards me. She crouches down to me and smirks.

"Well, that's no way to speak to me, I ought to teach you a lesson." She looks to one of the guys and smiles

"Take Him away, he needs to learn some lessons" she says getting up and waking out of the door with the two men following her. The 3rd man comes towards me, smirking as he picks me up. I start thrashing and swinging my legs around, hoping he would put me down, which turns out he never did no matter how hard I try

"Let him go you motherfucker!!" Stokeley says angrily while trying to break free again. I look at him panicking because, i didnt know what this dude could do to me. He could abuse me, Rape me or worse...Kill me. Let's just hope it wasn't the 3rd option...


Oof! What a chapter! I was trying to think of this chapter and what should be in it! But I had ideas ! I hope you like this Chapter! I promise I will try to make them longer chapters instead of short😝!

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