~In Awhile~ (NSFW)

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A/N: *blushes* So...my first lemon in this book. >//> I hope you enjoy it. >/////<)///

"I'm home," you said on a tired breath.

There was no response.

Well, not that you were really expecting one anyway.

You kicked off your uncomfortable flats and tossed your purse in no particular direction, it thankfully landing on the sofa not too far away. You shuffled your way down the hall, walking into the first room on the right: Jotaro's office.

You bared a small smile as the quiet man glanced up from his laptop.

You made your way around his desk and gave his cheek a lazy kiss to which he softly exhaled.

You started to walk away, stretching your arms over your weary head, "Taking a shower."

Jotaro hummed and continued whatever work he had to do (what exactly do marine biologists do?).


You held your hand under the streams of water, testing its temperature.

"Perfect," you whispered to yourself, promptly stepping into the tub.

You hummed as the hot water ran down your tired body and loosened your stiff muscles. You stood there and let the water flow from your face, your hair now framing your face in damp streams. This was exactly what you needed after a hard day's work.

However, your moment of peace abruptly ended as soon as you heard the bathroom door open...then close.

You swallowed, "Jotaro...?"

No answer, but you could still hear the sound of clothes shuffling then softly hitting the floor. There's a series of heavy footsteps, then a pause. Your heart pounded in your chest as the shower curtain shifted from being grabbed.

Suddenly, the curtain slid open and you shrieked in terror, "Eeek!"

"What the hell are you screaming for woman?"


The familiarity of the voice caught you off guard and you looked up to see Jotaro peering from behind the curtain. You blushed with a embarrassed smile, "Sorry, you scared me."

Jotaro rolled his eyes and muttered his usual complaint before putting one foot in the tub much to your surprise.

"W-What are you doing?" you stammered as he brought the rest of himself into the shower. Your eyes immediately fell to Jotaro's manhood, the pink hue on your cheeks blooming into a deep red. You quickly averted your eyes, but where the hell was you supposed to look now? His ridiculously ripped body or his incredibly handsome face?


You panicked and just up and turned your whole body around, the image of Jotaro's naked figure entering your head every time you blinked, "Damnit, give me a warning next time!"

"Why?" Jotaro took a step forward and you hear the water hit his body, "You've seen me naked before," his voice dipped in tone, "and I've seen you..."

You pouted and crossed your arms, your body growing stiff as you felt his persistent gaze on me, "That's not the point..."

Your breathing grew heavy as the air started to get thick, but not exactly from the steam. You could tell he was staring at you and you shrunk under his hungry gaze.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2018 ⏰

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