Chapter Two - Skipping School

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This one is not an episode, I made this chapter Up.


I walk down the street, to the Milkovich house. I've been wanting to do this for a while.
I throw a rock at the windows, breaking them, I run to cars parked on the street and smash the windows with a metal bat.
The cops come doen the street in cars.
"SHIT!!!" I yell, running.



"Yes. Uh huh. Alright, sorry for him." Fiona says.
"What happened?" Debbie asks.
"Jayden's in juvie." Fiona says.
"What'd he do?" I ask.
"He broke the Milkovich's windows and smashed car windows with a metal bat." Fiona says.
"Cool!" I say.
"Not cool." Fiona says.
"What's not cool?" Ian and Lip ask, walking in.
"Jayden broke windows and now he's in juvie!!" I say.
"But, he only ever sets things on fire, or blows things up. Why'd he smash windows?" Lip asks.
"I dont know, but the longest he's gonna be in there is a month." Fiona says.
"He's a kid!!!" Ian yells.
I run out of the house, no coat on, just sweat pants and a short sleeve shirt.
I run under a bridge, kicking a rock.
"FUCK!!! Why does he have to stay? He's just 10." I say.


A month later


I open the front door and walk in.
"Jayden!!" Fiona yells.
I ignore her and walk upstairs, going into the bathroom and locking the door.
"Jayden's back!!?!? Where is he?!?!?" Carl yells.
I stare at myself in the mirror. I look at the tears falling down my cheeks.
"JAYDEN!?!?!? WHERE ARE YOU!??!!?" Mickey and Mandy yell from downstairs.
I open my bag and grab a cigarette from the bag, lighting it.
I walk down the stairs.
"What?" I say.
Mandy hugs me and Mickey smiles.
I stare at Carl, Carl sharing the stare.
Mandy stops hugging me and Carl immediately tackles me into a hug.
When Carl stops hugging me, I walk over to Mickey.
"Outside. Talk." I say, walking outside.
"What do you want, Fucktard?" Mickey asks.
"How's fucking A Gallagher?" I ask.
"What?" Mickey asks.
"You and Ian. How's it fucking a Gallagher?" I say, smirking.
"You tell anyone and I swear, I'll fucking kill you." Mickey says.
"Relax, shit-head. I'm not gonna tell anyone. Also, by the way, I guess us Milkovichs got a thing for Gallaghers." I says, dropping my cigarette and walking inside.




"It's a guy.."

"Who's the guy?" Ian asks.

"Jayden Milkovich."

"A Milkovich, huh?" Ian asks.


"Well, Milkovich are usually cool people, so act cool, I guess?" Ian says.

"Sweet! Thanks, Ian!"


I sit in the backyard with Jayden. I decide to scoot a little closer.
I don't think he noticed.
I scoot closer.
Jayden smiles.
I scoot closer.
Jayden smirks.
I scoot closer, to where our legs are touching.
Jayden speaks, "Whatcha' doin', Carl?"
I look at the sky, "Watching the air.. I mean--"
"Watching the air, huh? I do that sometimes too." He says, a little chuckle at the end.
Jayden and I look at each other, staring into each other's eyes.
We both lean in, slowly.
When our lips meet, I feel a tingle of joy in my body.
Jayden smiles, pulling away.
"Wanna go inside and melt things in the microwave?" I ask.
"Hell yeah!" Jayden yells.

We both run inside and grab stuff to melt.

This is the best moment of my entire life.

The next day


We all sit at breakfast, me and Carl glancing at each other every once ans a while.
"School!! You're all late!!!" Fiona yells.
We all get uo and run outside.

I wait until everyone is gone, and I turn to Carl.
"Wanna skip school?" I ask.
"Yeah!" Carl says.
We both run to a creek and throw rocks into it.

3rd POV

Carl and Jayden have a moment of silence, before Jayden ruins the piece with a huge splash. Carl looks at Jayden.
"Rocks are fun to throw. Especially is they're huge." Jayden says.
Carl stands up and walks over to Jayden pinning him to a tree, kissing him.
Jayden kisses back.
When Carl starts sucking on Jayden's neck, Jayden moans.
They both hear a twig crack in the woods and they run away.
The two boys walk into the Milkovich house.
Mickey looks at them.
"What the fucks on your neck?" Mickey asks.
"Bruise." Jayden says, grabbing a cereal box.
"From what?" Mickey asks.
"Someone." Jayden says, putting two bowls out.
"Who?" Mickey asks.
"A human." Jayden says, putting cereal in the bowls and then the milk, giving Carl a spoon.
"Does this human have a name?" Mickey asks.
"No." Jayden says with a smirk.
"Who the fuck did it, Jayden?" Mickey asks, pissed off.
"Relax. It's a hickey." Jayden says.
"That doesnt answer my question about who did it." Mickey says.
"Jesus, dude. Carl gave it to me." Jayden says, taking a spoon full of Cereal into his mouth.
"Anything else happen?" Mickey asks.
"Nope, heard a noise so we booked it." Carl says, his mouth full of cereal.
"Aren't you two supposed to be in school?" Mickey asks.
"Aren't you?" Carl asks with sass.
"Ha ha. Real funny one, aren't ya." Mickey says.
"We skipped to throw rocks into a creek." Jayden says.
"Fuck-heads." Mickey says, walking out.

Where's Mickey going-? You'll see in the next chapter!! See ya, dudes.

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