✔Chapter Twenty Four: Fucking Hormones

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That damn bitch was locked in the cellars. I didn't bother to stay at the garden to know what had happened after I knocked her out. But when I woke up three hours later and stuffed my mouth with what was left of breakfast, I had been informed by Lis that the new Slifer had been kept bound underneath the castle.

So before I headed to work, I decided to pay her a visit.

And it seemed like I wasn't the only one, for three of the rulers were standing right before her dimly lit cell.

The dungeons of Imarnia's palace were cold, though in some spots it felt like all the air was gathered together to suffocate someone's throat. I had never seen a dungeon before, but clearly the one I was in wasn't used much.

It was actually quite clean, and just like the path leading to the library, everything was made of molded stone. A few torches hung here and there, illuminating small portions of the room. Though the downward stairs leading to it was pitch black, and I had to use a flicker of flames so I would not stumble and fall on my face.

The cells that lined the walls were empty and quite rusted, but other than that, I was thankful that there was no foul smell, only the one of growing weed between the stones. They were all dark, and nearly impossible to see through. Except for the last one, which was where the three royals stood behind the silver bars.

"Tell us, girl. If you're really with King Calix, then how come he's not with you?" Queen Adria said in a firm tone, unlike the soft teasing one I've grew to hear from her. A ball of blinding, golden light danced at the top of her palm, casting shadows over the faces of Ignoila's most powerful wizards.

The other girl's laugh echoed through the dark room. "I've told you, Your Highness, I come alone. My king is supposed to be here tomorrow, but I decided to skip ahead and teleport myself here."

"And we're supposed to believe that?" King Morrison tilted his head.

"Why would I lie? I simply came to get a proper glimpse of my fellow Slifers," her voice sounded amused, not seeming to have any hint that showed her inferiority in this situation. The air around me shifted, almost like it sensed my presence. "Ah! And speaking of which, it looks like we have another guest."

She couldn't see me at this position, but she somehow felt me in the room. At her words, the three heads turned to look at me.

None of them said a word of acknowledgment or objection, but instead gave me a glance before turning back to her. Though, the king's silver eyes lingered more on me than the others.

I came to stand next to Queen Adria, and my eyes landed on the Wind Slifer caged behind the rusty old bars.

Those bright, white-silver eyes were the first thing to come to my notice. And although the only light in her cell was coming from the high barred window, her eyes seemed to shine on their own.

She was glued to the hard wall, as if her back was nailed to it by some invisible force. And she sat with her knees brought to her chest, both of her wrists tied back near her head, but no chains wrapped around them.

I knew it was King Gabriel using her shadow as her own captive, making her attached to the wall and unable to move.

Her shoulder-length hair was tousled, but it was still the striking silver-white color that contrasted her dark skin. And sometimes, when she would shift her head for a second, it seemed like her hair was transparent and swayed slightly at the end.

But the dried blood on her lovely face was visible, streaking down all the way to her jaw, and it looked like her nose was slightly cracked from the blow I had given her. It seems like the princess didn't bother to heal her fractured nose, and I honestly wouldn't blame her since she nearly destroyed her garden.

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